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"Yaroslavna's Lament" in Performance of "Parteigenosse" Zyuganov

"Yaroslavna's Lament" in Performance of "Parteigenosse" Zyuganov
Alexander Golovenko 29.11.2011

Have you ever thought why an itch "to change at least something in this country" wakes up in us once in four years? Two-three months prior to elections in the State Duma. The rest of the time - peace and harmony. Mines and power stations blow up, planes fall, explosions thunder in the underground, at the airport, under the wheels of trains, amusement places and charity houses for old men burn. The country lives from mourning to mourning and all this is not for us the reason to get indignant, to go to the streets and to demand resignation of reigning "tandem".

Wildly growing prices for everything and flying to the sky housing rent are not the reason as well. Growth of poverty, illnesses, anti-constitutional transfer of medicine into paid service is also not the reason.

While the time of elections in the State Duma approaches and we are being thrown brain-washing "catnips" such as: "Now we have a unique chance to take the power in hands peacefully".

Or: "All go on elections to discharge medvedev-putin's mode".

Here we start feeling ourselves Heracles capable to turn the course of history. We already want to run to the voting box crack having lifted up trousers.

It's known who throws these baby's dummies. Troubadours of mode who desperately need our turnout for own legitimization. For only unwise child doesn't understand that after September, 22nd, 1993 after Yeltsin's dismissal from a post of the president according to the Constitution he became ordinary citizen. To usurp power and to intimidate people he ordered to shoot the Supreme body and peaceful demonstration in Ostankino from tanks.

Shoots rattled at the stadium "Krasnaya Presnya" on October, 4-5th ... Nevertheless, neither he, nor his power and both present successors became more legitimate.

Hence the left electorate - dear Gennady Andreevich - this P-P calls the right electorate, these money-bags, corrupted officials and criminals to urns. Though all participants of buffoonery perfectly understand everything. All party lists are looked through and confirmed by Presidential Administration. Money from commercial candidates is received. Places of parties in the Duma are written in rough, results of elections are made a month - a month and a half prior to elections and sent into the Central Election Commission and governors - "steam locomotives" for strict execution. They only need to live December, 4th out that already on December, 5th the fairest head of the Central Election Commission Churov could report to the country and the world about "shattering victory of "United Russia" led through thorns to stars by outstanding figure of the present and modernizer who raised Russia from knees D.A.Medvedev.

Therefore, as it has already been noticed, present election campaign passes in a kind of funeral conditions. Leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, "Fair Russia" and LDPR, apparently, received strict instructions not to suppose sharp criticism of "tandem", sharp attacks against it and any sensational exposures. For the penalty for disobedience will follow quickly. It will be done as with Prokhorov.

Therefore, obviously, Gennady Andreevich follows a way of moaning and complaints. Therefore he burst into a whining maxim "about haste of United Russia party members with Putin's promotion" after the congress of "United Russia" which put forward "gallery slave" in presidents. Forgive me but if it's the main care of the leader of irreconcilable opposition one week prior to parliamentary elections? If it's all criticism our permanent candidate for presidents with the 15-year-old experience is capable of?

Having put a question sign I already hear voices of the paid out trolls who exasperate me since spring with kind of questions: "What do you offer? If you offer nothing, it means you are the provoker working for money for "United Russia".

I have to explain to them that I am, as Ostap Bender used to say, a free artist and a cold philosopher. I am not going to offer nothing to comrade Zyuganov G. A, who has the whole staff of lawyers, advisers, speech writers and assistants. I write theses to my deputy in the State Duma what I consider necessary to say. After processing they are published as articles in mass-media, on a site of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation including "Pravda". This time I will recede from tradition and try to formulate offers in process of their getting into subcortex.

So, what would I say, for example, if I were Zyuganov? How would I try to drive reigning "tandem" to the corner? I would start setting the following questions, for example:

- Why did misters Medvedev and Putin give no comments on the results of the All-Russia population census according to which Russia dies out? When will their policy of genocide stop?

- For 10 years of stay of "tandem" in power Russia occupied the 1st place in the world on use of heavy drugs - basically the Afghani heroin. Up to 100 thousand young guys die annually because of it. Who is guilty and why is nothing done for reflection of narcoaggression?

- Till what time will child allowance till 16 years make shameful 100-150 roubles a month despite numerous promises to raise it?

- 11 dead miners lay in blockages of Kuzbass mine "Raspadskaya" since May, 9th of last year. Why does no one aspire to find and lift them on surface so that families could commit their bodies to earth following Christian custom? Why was no one from the owners of the mine punished and brought to court for death of 90 miners?

- Till what time at all conversations about familiarizing of children of 11 - 13 years with drugs and alcohol will vodka "Putinka", "Medvedevka" and "Medvedeff" be produced?

- Why did, contrary to the Constitution, the president Medvedev head "United Russia" and lead it in the State Duma together with ministers and governors? Unless the laws on political parties and civil service permit officials of all levels to interfere with elective process?

Why does our executive power form legislative one as it wishes? After all it is ill-intentioned deceit of voters - no one from them was going to move to Okhotny Ryad. Unless it's not raider capture of power by means of a notorious administrative resource? Why does the president spit on a principle of division of authorities on proclaimed in the Constitution of the country?

The chief of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation should have submitted long time ago a motion to the Constitutional court about lawlessness made by "the first lawyer of the country" and his eternals. Here you are talking what offers I have...

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