
íichael Delyagin: They in "ådinaya Russia" Sincerely Don't Understand a Word-Combination "Fair Government"

íichael Delyagin: They in "ådinaya Russia" Sincerely Don't Understand a Word-Combination "Fair Government"

In crisis time some lost work, the salary of others was cut down. People pulled in belts. While the state pocket became even wider. In this connection state duties, pension contributions and other deductions were increased.


Within 2010 all budgetary establishments of the country - polyclinics and hospitals, secondary schools and high institutions, museums and libraries - should pass to self-financing. The state reserves the right to finance their activity only within the limits of the so-called state task. Thus it disclaims responsibility - including financial - for results of their activity.


To which extent measures taken by the state in crisis are correct?


- Yesterday on the channel TV5 I acted against the member of "Edinaya Russia" Eugene Fedorov, - the chairman of editorial board of FORUM.msk Michael Delyagin told, - which, looking in the official statistics, on the air declared that NATURAL INCREASE OF POPULATION was observed in Russia in 2009. When I paid attention to that lie, he strongly took offence. After that he ABSOLUTELY SINCERELY did not understand the MEANING of a word-combination "fair government". True member of "Edinaya Russia"!


Let's notice that recently members of "Edinaya Russia" accepted "Zhirinovsky's tactics" - to act vigorously, insolently, to deny everything and always accuse opposition of desire to ruin Russia, not worrying about truthfulness or persuasiveness of arguments in CIA (Mossad, the Romanian investigation - on choice). Emotional position, not the meaning of what's said should convince.

Here you are, for example, how such tactics is described by invpro in LJ of the same Delyagin:

"He used to take part in Finam with O.Dmitrieva - that really was a bullfight!

Dmitrieva was talking something about figures (she is hand and glove with figures usually).


- All you say lie! Opposition has one purpose: to discredit the power! You don't have any figures!

- What do you mean? Here you are figures?!

- Well, you dreamt everything up!!!

- Mister, I said in the beginning of the program that I lean against the report of Accounts Chamber signed by Stepashin and against the Report of the Government signed by Putin. Whom of them you trust less?

- You are saying lies!!!"

In other::