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Medvedev Decided to Remake Constitutional Field of the RF

Medvedev Decided to Remake Constitutional Field of the RF

President Medvedev introduced to the State Duma amendments in Law about the government which are necessary so that Alexander Khloponin could simultaneously act as the vice-premier and the plenipotentiary in the North Caucasian federal district. The president named the situation when one person is the vice-president of the government and the plenipotentiary of the president at the same time unique. The chairman of the Duma Committee on constitutional legislation and state building Vladimir Pligin promised that the State Duma will approve necessary bill as soon as necessary.

There is one nuance: by Alexander Khloponin's appointment simultaneously the plenipotentiary of the president in the federal district and the vice-premier of the government of the Russian Federation Medvedev alters the constitutional field. Article 11 of the Law about the government of the Russian Federation which imposes restrictions on the members of the Cabinet, including direct prohibition on the members of the government "to occupy other posts in public authorities" - it's not simply annoying hook in the law which can be in a moment corrected by servicable  deputy case. It is a question of guaranteeing of the constitutional principle of division of powers: the president and its administration is one thing, the government - another.

Surely, the lawyer Medvedev realises consequences of such step.

Certainly, there's nothing terrible in next infringement of the constitutional principles - the second chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regarding protection of civil rights and freedom practically does not function. Well, now also principle of division of power will not function, officials of Presidential Administration will become ministers, ministers - deputies, deputies - judges...

Though, of course, Medvedev simply wished to belittle a bit significance of the government - if according to the current law in force the president appoints the vice-premiers on representation of the prime minister, the case with Khloponin, apparently, took place without Putin. Besides, if the plenipotentiary of the president is equalized in status with the vice-premier, the prime minister, obviously, should be equal to the next step in tables of ranks of Presidential Administration - that is the head of administration. Then it's already duumvirate, then Putin - simply one of the high-ranking officials, nothing special, like Naryshkin.

It's always like that in Russia - one thing was wanted, it turned out to be different... Wished to deduce Yeltsin from under control of the Supreme body and shot parliament; wished to advance Putin into president - arranged war in the Chechen Republic... Well, now to displace Putin, we need, obviously, not less than big Caucasian war.



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