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"Empire V" As a Product of Intellectual Avant-garde According to Prohanov-Surkov

"Empire V" As a Product of Intellectual Avant-garde According to Prohanov-Surkov
Surikov Anton 16.01.2007

One of the sites of Nizhniy Novgorod - "Independent Analytical Review" on January, 11th published an article of director of data-analytical centre "Human Measurement" - Oleg Maslov under the name "Conceptually-Creative Results of 2006". In the article the theme of "The Fifth Empire" and Putin's third term is mentioned, the theme that is on a regular basis illuminated in "Tomorrow" and on "FORUM.msk" causing, in particular, ambiguous enough reaction.

Oleg Maslov writes:

"The Fifth Empire" of Alexander Prokhanov is, certainly, not the creation born in 2006. Inthe concept of "The Fifth Empire" there is something unreal and it promoted the enhanced attention to Alexander Prokhanov's creative product. But transformation of the concept of "The Fifth Empire" has ended in "Gazprom" becoming the main symbol of "The Fifth Empire" by the end of 2006 while "The Fifth Empire" itself has mutated into Putin’s Russia. And that is completeness of an intellectual fossil.

Any unbiassed analytical scientist can find file of the newspaper "Tomorrow" and according to the dates to build up chronology from a birth of the idea of creation of the concept of "The Fifth Empire", its creative blossoming which has shown in involving of the broad audience of intellectuals into discussion of prospects of "The Fifth Empire" and its overthrow in embraces of "Gazprom" and the leaving President of Russia Vladimir Putin. It looks as if the history of The Fifth Empire" is a typical history for intellectual projects of conservative type. For the given type of intellectual projects the binding to personal symbols of operating authority is natural and the concept does not enter any contradiction with real political constructions of the rulling authority.

"The Fifth Empire" of Alexander Prokhanov most brightly embodied in itself one of the leading political ideas of 2006 - election of President Putin for the third term. It is necessary to recognize that the idea of the third presidential term to the middle of 2006 was a dominating theme in the Russian expert community. The third term of President Putin for many and many seemed to be "lifebelt" from the coming chaos and anarchy and Alexander Prokhanov only gave the hopes of numerous "followers" certain ideological base. «FORUM.msk» has hastened to report that idea of the third term of President Putin, in every possible way advanced by Prokhanov, has already captured population in Russia. It is possible to draw a conclusion that the concept of "The Fifth Empire» has reached its apogee, that means that then it is threatened with quite natural oblivion.

One can’t be doubtful that adherents of "The Fifth Empire" and they are the writers Alexander Prokhanov and Sergey Kugushev as well as political scientists Vladimir Filin, Alexander Nagorny, Anton Surikov and Ruslan Saidov attempt " will undertake an attempt “to transfer a banner" to "The Fifth Empire" to successor of Vladimir Putin. But already today is possible to assume that within the limits of rotation of the "followers" the concept of "The Fifth Empire" will be hardly probably demanded by the successor of President Putin.

Unlike Oleg Maslov I, being one of the adherents of "The Fifth Empire" according to Prohanov or, that is more figurative, - "Empire V" as Pelevin wrote and Putin's third term, would not begin to dig a tomb to this production of intellectual avant guarde according to Vladislav Surkov. Who knows how the life will dispose?

I would not also begin "to underlay" "Empire V" under "Gazprom" to the efficiency of work of which staff can be found rather reasonable claims. Certainly, "Gazprom" as a function is a bearing skeleton of Empire. Only it does not realize it by itself, it does not understand that only within the limits of the imperial concept it has a prospect. Whereas return to pure liberalism according to Voloshin-Chubajs guarantees its partition, the question is only in terms. Also as its destruction is guaranteed in case of transformation of the Russian Federation if it will reject imperial idea, - into a territory of, as political scientist Ruslan Saidov called it, "transit wars" - by creation by external forces led by the USA, where Russophobes-democrats are eager to get power, situations of chaos and local conflicts on the base of transportation of power resources.

From the other point of view, “Gazprom” is not the only system-making construction. What about RAO “UES of Russia” notwithstanding complex perception of Chubajs»? What about RAO Russian Railways? What about “Rosneft” which has absorbed the basic part of the former empire of Michael Hodorkovsky? What about “Transneft” which is responsible for laying on the pipe to the Pacific Oceanwith branches to China? What about “Rosoboronexport” which supply armament to China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Algeria, Venezuela?

«Empire V» - «The Fifth Empire» is absolutely not a present Russian Federation, it’s something greater and different. It is a network Empire, the USSRof the XXI century. Vladimir Putin – is the president of "The Fifth Empire” - is not today's Putin who, according to Alexander Prokhanov's trope on «Echo of Moscow», «have two heads: one head is turned aside Russia, another, unfortunately, is being managed from America».

Hasty conclusion of the discrimination agreement with the USA on reception of Russia into WTO and shameful oil-and-gas blackmail of sister Belarus, full propaganda defeat, obvious feebleness demonstrated in the course of informational war with the West on the matter of poisoning by polonium-210 of Alexander Litvinenko proved what was said before. All these vile acts is not - a handwork of soldier of "The Fifth Empire" but "the Kremlin evil spirits" as political scientist Vladimir Filin has called present criminal "elite", that is those who should be cleaned off ruthlessly from an Olympus of authority when the time of "Empire V" will come.

And Putin of the sample of 2008 "will transform his American head, - Alexander Prokhanov hopes, - very soon into the Russian and he will become one-head president of Russiafor the third term". And if he would refuse from the third term, then it will be the end of stability, chaos, struggle of all against all. Oleg Maslov is right: the concept of "The Fifth Empire" will be hardly demanded by the successor of Putin. At least because in those conditions which will arise after Putin, no concept will be demanded in general. The Kalashnikov gun will be the concept.

Thus, the concept of "The Fifth Empire", idea of "Party of the third term" have arisen in heads of group of intellectuals-patriots not because Vladislav Surkov or Igor Sechin, or Ramzan Kadyrov ordered them to do it. And not because they love today's Putin as he is. On the contrary, they extremely rigidly criticize Putin both for WTO and for playboy Prokhorov with his “girls” and for Abramovich with his new German yacht as well for brotherly Belarus.

But simultaneously they think, probably, wrongly, that if Putin in 2008 will leave, there will be destabilization almost for certain. But if Putin remains, external conditions and life will inevitably force him to define his position and change, will force him to make final choice between Americanism and patriotism in favour of the last, in favour of "The Fifth Empire".

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