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To the Participants of Regular Congress of Organization «Congress of Russian Communities»

To the Participants of Regular Congress of Organization «Congress of Russian Communities»
Alexander Lebedev 10.12.2006

Regular congress of CRC will take place on the 9th of December, 2006in Moscow. There will be an attempt to reconstruct of base of patriotic opposition after a long break and destruction of patriotic movement on the basis of late party "Rodina". I, as well as those who lost hope, want to believe very much that the miracle will occur and the broken rests of patriotic forces would gather and be united.

It is pleasant to realize that the organizing committee of the congress in the reference ascertained the fact of defeat of opposition in the given historical period. It means that not everything is lost. But a situation in the country is very bad. And patriots have not enough time.

Those who is able to see and hear understands that in authority and its structures large processes have begun and right now the destiny of parliamentary and presidential elections is being solved. Generally speaking the destiny of Russia for the nearest 10-15 years is defined. For long and short it is a dictatorship of officials, corruptional people and oligarches who are ready to sell under covering of authority the whole country. They don’t like anyone any more. Soon, very soon the last, "powerless" newspapers will be closed in the country, all non-members of “Edinaya Russia” will have to leave their state posts. All those who do not agree with the authority will automatically turn into extremists and terrorists.  

The question is as sharp as ever. The authority needs not simply authority but absolute power. Therefore political disassemblies and disappearance of political contenders are ahead. In this connection it is necessary for opposition to get defined on the main questions:

1. an attitude towards elections of all levels.

2. an attitude with imperous parties.

3. creation of mass social movement instead of a party which will firstly achieve changes of selective laws and then will call people on elections.

4. creation of consolidated political oppositional elite for coordination of actions of opposition.

Thus, there comes the time not for beautiful oppositional cocks but long draft work on creation of mass public movement which will be united on principles:

1. In the future without thieves.

2. Justice.

3. Truth.

4. Believe in the future of Russia.

Time has gone. Serious historical events are ahead. I hope very much that CRC is their serious participant..

In other::