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Putin Participated in Kitchen Summit

Putin Participated in Kitchen Summit
Anna Kolchak 23.10.2006

At the meeting of Vladimir Putin with leaders of the countries of the European Union the question of murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was mentioned, the prime minister of Finland Matti Vanhanen informed. "This awful crime should be investigated and guilty should be brought to responsibility", - Vanhanne told at the press conference on results of informal meeting of the president of the Russian Federation with leaders of the countries of the European Union.

In general, the meeting of leaders of the European Union organized in Lahti has strange impression. "There is a remarkable capital in Finland – Helsinki, there is exotic ancient Turku, there is stylish Tampere nicknamed "the Finnish Manchester". But Lahti couldn’t appear in a category of attractive cities of Finland in any way. To arrange there the summit of EU – is the same as to organize a meeting at the highest levels in some Russian hole - not even in Ryazan but in Ryazsk or Yelts. It is corresponds, at least by the size. And by the style also”, - chief editor of FORUM.msk and great expert of Finland Anatoly Baranov thinks.

For leaders of EU, probably, it was like a working meeting (the summit is considered informal) as if old friends meet on the kitchen to drink beer, to talk about this and that. Without a tie. Sometimes even without underpants.

Whether one should consider an invitation to Lahti - an invitation to kitchen?

After grandiosely repaired Konstantinovsky Palace in Petersburg where the Russian president has surprised the high-ranking visitors with interiors and other luxuries the kitchen in Lahti looksin European way offensive. Besides it is absolutely clear what the reason is for Putin’s presence - to be pressed.

What is not clearly, why he himself went there?

It’s clear that Politkovskaya will be recollected there though she had no relation to Lahti. But from Finland broadcasts well-known "Caucasus-center". By chance, probably.

It’s clear that Putin will be recollected different "sins" - real and imaginary, not just for the hell of it, from sadism but for the sake of getting of preferences in the market of energy carriers - the only thing that could be interesting to the Europe in Russia. In the 16-th century it was hemp, in the 19-th - grain. All the rest, including culture and literature, excites them no more than Konstantinovsky Palace - actually, leaders of EU feel themselves comfortably on Lahti’s kitchen. Not graphs, for sure - not graphs...

Putin looked empty-eyed at a "kitchen" environment and harped that Russia’s not against principles of the Power charter but considered that some positions in it should be specified. "We are not against those principles which are incorporated in the Power charter but we think that some positions of this charter should be specified or a new document on the basis of the same principles should be worked out", - the president of Russia at press conference on the results of the "kitchen" summit of EU in Finland said.

The European Union will develop close cooperation with Russia in sphere of power, the prime minister of Finland presiding in EU Matti Vanhanen has declared already after the talk about Politkovskaya. Dead journalist appeared to be an important factor at the coordination of questions of the Power charter, much more important than the bankers Kozlov and Plohin killed at the same time with her or anonymous Armenians (called in mass-media "natives from Caucasus") recently "crackdowned" in Bogandinsky of Tyumen area.

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