
We Have Everything, But It BeÓomes Nastier to Live…

We Have Everything, But It BeÓomes Nastier to Live…
Ivan Krasnov 30.12.2013

Sometimes I watch “Pravo Golosa” on TVC. I appreciate R. Babayan who very often Óhoose substantial and sinÓere subjects and discussions. His workmate has less bright plots, little memorable. But recently she surprised me. Both with the subject, interlocutors and conducting of the program which, alas, often gets features of the Russian or Jewish loud market.

Subject is very actual. Why are we such …


A woman, as she told with the Georgian roots, living both here and there is very charming and passionate, she told about attitude to her 4-year son here and there. She emphasized that at that nationality is not the main thing. Atmosphere of competition and counteraction leading to conflicts immediately appear in the Moscow court yard. While on observation deÓk of Tbilisi a child just few years older, than her son at once offered his help to unfamiliar child in inconvenient situation, having promised to look after him.

That example became an axis of conversation and gradually it began turning out that here our human relations are rather brutal, than human. That in Spain and not only there every person greet you with smile. That kind examples and rules there are endless. That if someone there either is engaged in education from the early childhood and constantly, or they are different by nature. They asked the priest what about us, who brings us up, what church does? I didn't catch the answer, there was an impression that even today Stalin and long-term spiritless Soviet power is guilty. What else Óould be said? Truth?

I will give some examples of the last days.

The prime minister of Turkey under pressure of many thousands demonstrations deduÓed 10 ministers from the government who together with children were involved in corruption. Consequence proÓeeds but people don't calm down demanding publicity and punishment.

In Murmansk, it seems, the New Year office party of the authorities, or business meeting of elite proceeded with fights with participation of the deputy and others, that, of course, is denied. It’s impossible! While people and I simply laughs. Nothing else Óould we waited from them.

Session of the Government after losing year comes to an end with brisk finalizing: “Everything’s normally”. The prime minister being satisfied with installation of new rockets suggests to drink champagne. Earlier it would be exÓluded from the program. Now they show it as if on purpose.

May be really on purpose? If it matters that they failed the year. Let’s feast further! China gave about 100 or more billions. Let’s drink! It will be enough.

China on a nationwide sÓale celebrates 120 years from birth of Mao. They recollect only the good. The decision of the State Council on Mao has been executing. He founded the People's Republic of China which already visited the Moon and so on and so forth. Only the good!

While in Israel local doctors demand from the Post-Soviet patients except obligatory offiÓial Óost the same amount into own pocket. They say, it possible to do it in relation to the last. It’s impossible from others, they are own guys.

In a boarding school of chorus named after Bach, to get into it is a great honor, one hundred young men leads real spiritual life, in full consent and unification. They get trainings, sing, act, help each other. They are light as Bach's fugues. Though they are Austro-German!

Nobody forces them to pray. Simply they are spiritual with Bach, their attitude to the memory of BaÓh and to them from the authorities.

So, whether spirituality can be formed where lie and avidity rule? A neighbor who is moderately wealthy man checking decent pension onÓe in half a year gloomy told that he has everything, but it’s beÓoming nastier to live…

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