
Deaf, Blind and Corrupt Vertical

Deaf, Blind and Corrupt Vertical
Dmitry Trofimov 23.10.2013

If god, creating politicians, gave them conscience except genitals, we could have found that murder of Egor who didn't manage to help management to make the Russian Federation prospering great power is on the conscience of the Russian vertical. RF remained a shelter of thieves and robbers. For example, one of the pillars of present mode Deripaska is not allowed to many foreign countries, he could make his crimes quietly only under protection of own president. The fact that the president is the property of Deripaska and some other listed thieves mister Deripaska frankly acknowledged in phenomenal interview which actual material nobody managed to disprove.

Shaggy observer from the channel Russia 24 reported that rebels – nationalists shouting something about mother Russia didn't dare to go deep into notorious vegetable warehouse, as they perfectly well knew that there they would be met by real owners of the base – bandits. They also knew that mother Russia wouldn’t help them as at present management it helps only to criminals.

How markets of Moscow could become the property of bandits, if they were protected by Luzhkov who publicly declared his eternal love for Ismailov, the owner of CherkizoÍÙÌÎ market?

The top officials of our nice Russian Federation repeatedly declared their love for Luzhkov. The vertical, thus, penetrates all imperious and criminal levels of the criminal state. It looks like appetizing shish kebab, only with a smell of shit and blood.

The power vividly condemns riots, unless it’s not the state which regularly carries out professional upgrading of progrom-makers on TV, who arranges public mockery at guests of the capital for the sake of ostentatious care of ordinary Muscovites. After all these are shameful shows, chains of people with arms on the nape are as two peas similar to chains of slaves who are driven to the coast to send for sale to America. We saw it in many movies and always were indignant. Today we triumph – mother Russia becomes slaveholding state. Why bandits should be shy, if the power became similar to drunken hooligan. Thus it doesn't cease to boast of the riches though these were presented to it by god together with genitals.

The murderer of Egor is interrogated now: where did he take knife, what blows did he make and how did e escape? After all it’s not the first time he killed a man, ten years the murderer quietly walked up and down in a shadow of vertical and, probably, killed with impunity not once. Therefore it’s neÓessary to ask other questions: how many and whom did he pay that he wasn’t send home to be responsible for the deeds. Though they obviously won’t ask about it.

Long ago offiÓials in Russia didn't have salaries, it was considered that position was a source of their incomes. These times returned, only the scale of livery got increased thousandfold. Income of officers of traffiÓ poliÓe is incommensurable to the salary, customs officers live like lords, they take money from reckless drivers, smugglers and careless state. The whole raÓk earns money from migrants (legal and illegal): businessmen-criminals, criminals-poliÓe offÓers, simple criminals of the country of residence, ethnic criminals and authorities which have got rid of their hungry sons from own sickly shoulders on big shoulders of the Russian Federation. Besides they need to feed numerous relatives. This plankton feeding International criminals is as cattle driven on the streets of "civilized" state. The power whiÓh failed to make elementary order in migratory policy, whiÓh allowed criminals to be fed at the expense of poor migrants publicly behaves as same gangs - group, believing that it’s the only way to keep remains of authority.

On church holidays this ostensibly orthodox power shows the whole world God-fearing behavior. God who have presented it genitals but have forgotten to give conscience is possibly, happy. If he wasn't happy, he would long ago turn dirty power into usual dirt. They say that he is all-powerful. And fair.

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