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20th Anniversary of the State Revolution: They Substituted Our Country

20th Anniversary of the State Revolution: They Substituted Our Country
Baranov Anatoly 24.09.2013

For a start - one of the meanings of the Ancient Greek word "devil" except usual "slanderer", "tempter" is "dividing". Division, split as antagonism to collecting, creation always carried negative shade though "there is a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together". Thus characteristic feature of "a mode of 1993" is tendency to destruction, division.

In fact what did they created during 20 years which passed from memorable events of 1993? While so many things were ruined!

If to speak about big, global - the CIS created as palliative of the USSR evidently died before war with Georgia in 2008 – it was final nail in the coffin of "unbreakable union". After all the Kremlin was in condition of “cold war” with all republics of the former USSR - that with Ukraine in the question of gas and candies, with Belarus in the question of potato, with Moldova in the question of wine, with Tajikistan in the question of deliveries of slaves.

The Russian Federation moves the same way as the USSR - two wars in Chechnya frightened people, but it’s impossible to make regions more and more losing connections with each other obedient and frightened for long. Today discussions of division of the Russian Federation appeared again, at that they are quite technological.

The system of power built on the ruins of the House of Councils didn't gain sufficient legitimacy among citizens. Let’s recollect for a moment: elections into the new authorities which took place in the beginning of December, 1993 passed at the same time with referendum under new constitution where they had been just born. Actually "the mode of 1993" gave birth to itself and made it simultaneous with impregnation.

Theoretically new constitution could be accepted by referendum, but only after it the Supreme Council of RSFSR (I will remind that is the name of the country where we live) could resign authority, having held earlier elections into the formed again State Duma. Unless it’s possible to delegate powers, if the parliament is in ruins and its heads are in prison? As a result they simply substituted our country. It means then that both the RSFSR, the Supreme Council and the Constitution of the RSFSR still work somewhere in virtual space, after all nobody abolished them properly.

By the way, there was no historical need for abolition of the Supreme Council, the Verkhovna Rada continues to work in Ukraine, nobody dispersed it. In fact if Kiev had political will, it could have proclaimed itself the only lawful assignee of the USSR, well, maybe, together with Belarus. Being two members of the UN since the Soviet period they would have all legal grounds, having simply refused to recognize "mode of 1993" which was established, let’s call cat a cat, as a result of short civil war. Only force factor interferes with them as the real source of legitimacy of “mode of 1993” is its recognition of the USA, the only world predominant force and our strategic opponent. Thus "the mode of 1993" arose as result of the national treason from the part of elite.

Of course, such incidents happen during revolutionary changes. Finally they find legitimacy thanks to general approval of people of that policy which is pursued by the new power. Whether there was that general approval? I doubt very much, I never met it anywhere.

In fact we are talking about occupational mode and excessively exalted supporters of the Soviet power talked a lot about it for many years. The most terrible truth is that they are right.

That is the source of all other habitual troubles of Russia – withdrawal of the capitals abroad, escape of “pillars of the mode” after the capitals, destruction of defensive potential, transformation of the country into a raw appendage of civilized world, muffled foreign policy, overwhelming corruption, genocide social policy and at last tendency to self-destruction.

That is it. John 8,44: "He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truthin him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false".

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