Once upon a time, in other life the singer who was called "ambassador of the Soviet song" sang a song in which Victory Day was called "a holiday with tears in ones eyes". At that time it was tears of old losses, tears of cherished memory. Victory Day in today's Russia is also a holiday "with tears in one's eyes" but these are tears of bitterness, insult and humiliation. However, perhaps, the most drama events were developed after the termination of the main action of Victory Day, after the meeting on Lubyanka peacefully ended. The left youth went to the metro station "Sokol" where picket against the monument to the general Pannvits and white generals - Krasnov, Shkuro, etc - in Moscow, the picket was agreed with the local administration and should have taken place at 3p.m. The first unexpectedness waited for the Komsomols on a place. In a church fencing where a monument was situated (on the place of honour - as if it was burial place of heroes who died "for belief and fatherland") as it appeared, action of nationalists took place. Imperial flags flutter, an orthodox requiem is taking place but at the same time hands are thrown up in traditional ancient Roman greeting, in due time accompanied by exclamation "Heil!" in someone's personal address.