Boris Abramovich and the Kremlin... are built as Siamese twins. The Kremlin says: "Everybody in the world love us, we are warm and fuzzy, if Boris Abramovich did not dishonour us, everybody would love us, so Boris Abramovich is - our main enemy". "Yes-yes, I am your main enemy, I shall throw you off", - Boris Abramovich says, thus partly strengthening paranoia of the Kremlin and partly operating on a principle: the worse, the better. Actually, in this muddy story with extradition of a man ostensibly made an attempt on Berezovsky not everything is clear just following the fact that if Englishmen really wanted to bring the matter to the end, they probably would have the possibility to catch a person who was to commit a murder at the very moment of doing it and judge him as it should be.