
OnishÓhenko Started Trade War with Ukraine

OnishÓhenko Started Trade War with Ukraine

It can only seem that prerogative of declaration of war belongs only to the president and parliament. Actually war can be declared by officials of average level, for example, by the heads of supervisions. Heads of the states will have only to take it into consideration - war...

Ukraine addressed with the offiÓial letter to the management of Rospotrebnadzor with a request of urgent meeting for the solution of a question about ban on import of production of Roshen company to Russia, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Igor Prasolov reported.

Rospotrebnadzor forbade import of confectionery of Roshen into the Russian Federation after it selected in distribution networks of Moscow production of four factories of the company and revealed violations of quality and safety. Department sent corresponding letter to Federal Customs ServiÓe and Departments of Rospotrebnadzor of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

"We as the government defend interests of the national producers, we took first official measures in reply - as soon as official statement appeared, we sent ofiÓial letter to the head of Rospotrebnadzor with request of urgent meeting to settle all questions which were sounded officially", - the press service of the department quotes the minister.

According to him, for today the Ukrainian party is ready to dialogue with colleagues from Russia and is interested in operational solution of the question. "We sent the letter and wait for the answer from the Russian side concerning meeting. Our experts are ready, we collected all necessary documents, Roshen company provided us quality certificates. We want to understand what happened in reality", - the minister noted.

Thus he paid attention that Rospotrebnadzor is dissatisfied with quality of production of this company which is made in the territory of Ukraine, it’s quite strange taking into account that fact that all enterprises of the company (not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia and in Baltic) have identical quality standards.

The minister doesn't understand that we have Onishchenko in Russia who is great and terrible in anger, who comes to his office at 4 a.m., doesn't drink, doesn't smoke and doesn't like when citizens wear shorts. Even Putin just in case is photographed only in long trousers, even if with naked torso. Onishchenko is severe...

Russia doesn't understand that Roshen for Ukraine isn't less important, than gas. What could be done – Ukraine is such country which is compelled to earn by own labor. Neither oil, nor gas, only coal and iron hand from minerals. They have to work hard.

If Russia wants to have influence on Ukraine, it is necessary to buy the Ukrainian goods. If it won’t buy, if Russia will be necessary to Ukraine?

It is clear that position of Rospotrebnadzor is reflection of some business interests (unless we will believe that candies constitute bigger danger, than fake vodka or rotten beef). Perhaps, these are domestic interests, though it can be not so. There are still interstate interests about which some guy called Putin talked recently with the president of Ukraine Yanukovych. Though, likely, at first Yanukovych should have come to Moscow to book an appointment with Onishchenko?

After all these things happening we are getting surprised that the Ukrainian fleet acts somehow strange during war with Georgia. Here you can ask how many lives position of Rospotrebnadzor will carry away next time in the future?


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