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Protest Action against Extraction of Nickel in Novokhopersk Gathered 3000 Participants

Protest Action against Extraction of Nickel in Novokhopersk Gathered 3000 Participants

Next protest action against extraction of non-ferrous metals in the Central Black Earth Region passed on July, 21 in Novokhopersk of the Voronezh region. About 3000 people gathered on city market square among whom inhabitants of the Voronezh and neighbouring regions were.

Earlier it became known that, according to the statement of the chief of Moscow Department of the Russian Ministry of Interior in the Voronezh region lieutenant general Alexander Sysoyev, presence of the police contingent in Novokhopersk amplifies. Protection of public actions is also getting strengthened. By estimation of ecology activists, about 100 police officers maintained order.

Gathered expressed categorical protest against plans on development of copper-cobalt-nickel fields in the Novokhopersky area, as well as against extraction of non-ferrous metals in the Central Black Earth Region.

Appeal to treat publications about Prikhoperye with responsibility sounded in the address of mass media. It’s stated in the resolution of the action that materials advertizing development and humiliating local population kindle civil opposition in the center of Russia. This tension is supported by repeated violations of law including lack of fair punishment of representatives of PSC "Patrol" which beat locals on May, 13 near the camp of geologists. According to inhabitants of Prikhoperye, cunning position of the law enforcement agencies protecting guilty became one of the reasons of splash of national anger on June, 22.

People required the fastest resignation and punishment of the head of the Novokhopersky region Victor Petrov who transferred lands for geological exploration on the scheme which had all signs of corruption — via organization headed by his son. As a result of such frauds inhabitants of the village Elka who have rights on the earth found out that it has been already leased to the third parties.

Gathered declared that the law is on their side as works on geological exploration are conducted on agricultural lands; they are enclosed by fence seizing others lands and it hasn’t been demolished despite of the protocol of the Department of the Ministry of Interior about violation of land use.

Protesters supported program of sustainable development of Prikhoperye: support of agriculture, sector of ecological services and tourism. Ecology activists urged to use those natural resources which can feed population for centuries according to the Doctrine of Food Supply of Russia, instead of thoughtless sale of subsoils threatening fast destruction of the main riches of the region: clean air, water and reference black earth.

At the same time actions of solidarity with inhabitants of the Central Black Earth Region passed in other cities on July, 21. Thus Cossacks of Kaliningrad, having gathered on Prospect Mira next to the Monument to Astronauts, they supported inhabitants of Prikhoperye who gathered to protect their legitimate rights. A day before it, on July, 20 in the Volgograd region in a village Kumylzhenskaya and in Novoanninsk at once two protest actions against nickel development in Prikhoperye took place. Protesters decided to achieve audience with the President of Russia. Earlier, on July, 11 more than thousand people came to the meeting against development of the non-ferrous metals passing in Borisoglebsk. The same quantity gathered next day — on July, 12 in Uryupinsk.

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