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Mothers with Many Children and Inhabitants of Hostels – Sobyanin Makes Promises Already as Candidate to Mayors before September, 8?

Mothers with Many Children and Inhabitants of Hostels – Sobyanin Makes Promises Already as Candidate to Mayors before September, 8?
Elena Sidorenkova 19.07.2013

On July, 17 inhabitants of different hostels with support of Movement of Hostels of Moscow and Movement of the Deceived Large Families gathered at the place where Public Staff of support of the candidate for Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin Sergey Semyonovich is situated.

Representatives of hostels gathered together – representatives of helicopter factory "Salyut" (experts for which were collected all over the country, they were promised to receive habitation and now are suggested to free rooms "in connection with arisen need"), staff of Central Post Office (the same story as on "Salyut"), workers of helicopter factory named after Kamov (their house was burned a year ago, they are not given any place for living since then), inhabitants of 1ya Vladimirskaya, 29 (to remove them from waiting list on improvement of living conditions a part of public corridor was declared their personal living space), inhabitants of Internationalnaya, 15 (earlier they tried to throw these people out from honestly earned housing, now such attempts stopped, but they refuse to sign contracts of social rent social rent) and Agtay Mustafayev (at first he as the worker of utility services was given residence, but now he is tried to be thrown to the street, they cut off water and light in his habitation).

Inhabitants organized a number of single pickets: "We honestly earned habitation!", "Mayor told - official made? Or the mayor changed his mind?" (let’s remind that on November, 2, 2012 Sobyanin promised inhabitants of hostels recognition of their rights, now inhabitants are getting new notices with the requirement to evict), "Boycott to the Olympic Games in 2014 in Sochi - due to genocide of large families in Russia" (mothers having many children are outraged with the fact that much more money are spent on the Olympic Games, than on housing construction all over the Russian Federation).

Police officers who arrived to Sobyanin’s staff warned inhabitants about responsible behavior during picketing, then they talked to the inhabitants and asked them about housing problems.

Employees of Public Staff invited inhabitants of hostels to attend appointment.

Representatives from each of the initiative groups went to the staff of support of Sobyanin, other inhabitants remained to wait for the results of reception on the street.

All inhabitants who were present at the meeting were carefully listened to, then they were offered to write application addressed to S. Sobyanin and it was done. Employees of the staff promised to give final answer to the application within three weeks.

Besides, inhabitants of hostel "Salyut" were promised that on Friday, July, 19 they would be able to call to the staff to begin process of tracking of how their question is going on.

Different story happened to Dmitry Kochelayevsky (helicopter factory named after Kamov).

The head of the staff, Lyudmila Shvetsova, promised to deal with his question on Thursday, July, 18. It was also assured that all housing questions of inhabitants of hostels would be solved at the level of the mayor, they wouldn’t be returned back to those instances from where inhabitants of hostels repeatedly received only formal replies.

Additional information:

8-905-537-22-99 / 8-916-737-10-33

– Аlexander Zimbovsky

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