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In Petersburgthe Soldier Froze to Death the Day Before Giving Testimony Against the Officer


On the 12th of April an inhabitant of Krasnoselsky district of St.-Petersburg walking with a dog found a corpse of 20-years old soldier - Jury Dolgashev who did military service in military unit number 08774 situated in Krasnoe Selo, the body laid in 300 metersfrom the highway Petersburg- Vilosi and in 800 metersfrom the military unit. According to the official version the guy froze on the 18th of January - the temperature fell up to minus 32 degrees those days. Relatives do not trust in contingency of his death – he died one day prior to the arrival to the unit of the Deputy Judge Advocate of the Leningradsky military district for the investigation of the case against of one of the officers. Dolgashev should witness as newspaper “Phontanka” informs.

Law Enforcement Bodies declare that traces of a violent death on a body of the soldier were not found. According to evidences given by his comrades-in-arms and officership, Dolgashev had left the unit without permission in the night from the 18th to the 19th of January. Experts haven’t taken a decision yet.

Relatives suspect that the soldier could become the undesirable witness in the conflict which had occurred between the Deputy Commander for educational work major Eremeev and its neighbour on a country house in village Gorelovo - Alexander Shishkarev.

The conflict between Shishkarev and Eremeev had arisen on the ground of everyday matters. The major built the house. As the neighbour affirms - with involvement of military technique and soldier manpower. Neighbours did not express their displeasure neither for building noise nor for the fact that military lorries had damaged an access road.

However, when soldiers began to drag to a neighbour's gate clay in barrows, Shishkarev went to sort out. Common soldier with a barrow, whom Shishkarev identified on photo as Jury Dolgashev, referred to the order of major Eremeev. When Shishkarev tried to talk to Eremeev, the major, according to Shishkarev’s words tumbled him down on the ground and began to beat.

After it Shishkarev got into the hospital with broken nose, concussion of the brain and plural bruises of a head, shins and groin. Having left hospital Shishkarev began to gather documents for the reference to Law Enforcement Bodies. He also called to "Soldier's Mothers of Petersburg".

He was advised to address the claim to Military Prosecutor where on the fact of usage of military technique and soldier's manpower in the personal purposes and on the fact of beating inspection was inspired.

On the 20th of January the Deputy Judge Advocate - Chinjakov and applicant Shishkarev arrived to the military unit for identification. They identified the major and a lot of common soldiers which were noticed on a neighbour's country house. However, Jury Dolgashev was not on the territory of the unit: he had already disappeared on the 18th of January.

As they say in the committee "Soldier's mothers of Petersburg", Dolgashev’s mother searched for the son all round the village. The attempts were done to find the soldier by placing of announcements and photos in local mass-media. The attempts failed.

Meanwhile criminal investigation against major Eremeev was not opened: officers and soldiers on public prosecutor's check denied the fact of usage of military technique and soldier's work, common soldiers all as one declared that they never were on anybody’s country house building. The commander of the unit and all his deputies declared that they personally went to help Eremeev to build.

In the meantime Jury Dolgashev’s uncle who up to the end of 2005 year did in the same military unit an additional military service and was in good relations with the commander – the fact that used to provide his nephew quite comfortable service - tried to receive details of this strange history informally.

As he said at night from the 18th to the 19th of January one day prior to the arrival of the Deputy Judge Advocate of the Leningradsky military district Chinjakov on the occasion of receiving money a big holiday, accompanied by plentiful use of alcohol, began. According to Chinjakov even those who never took part in such boozes this time participated. "Jury was sent to buy vodka and didn’t return back," – Chinjakov told to the committee "Soldier's mothers of Petersburg".

The soldier who was considered as "straggler" was found 3 months later. In 800 metersfrom the native military unit... Relatives do not believe in the version with overcooling and intend to organize an independent expertize after reception of a body. However, according to the relatives of the victim, his mother who has been recently operated on heart, now simply is not capable to lead any struggle.

In other::