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Peskov Gave Vow of Chastity instead of Putin

Peskov Gave Vow of Chastity instead of Putin

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented divorce of Vladimir and Lyudmila Putins. According to him, the head of the state has no other woman and his work can’t be connected with private life in any way.

Answering question of the journalists whether Putin has relations with other woman press secretary answered: "No, it’s not so".

According to the press secretary, Putin's working schedule is so tight that he has no time for his family. Thus Peskov noted that he doesn't trust in possibility of a new marriage of Putin. "I can tell with confidence to you that all this belongs rather to category of rumours and gossips," — he noticed.

- I didn't understand, if Peskov is Putin’s press secretary or the Gentleman of the Bedchamber? - editor-in-chief of FORUM,msk Anatoly Baranov was surprised. – Where does he know from, for example, whether Putin has or doesn’t have relations with a woman, or a man? If Putin shares his sexual problems with press secretary? For example, it is more pleasant to me to believe that the president of my country has some decent woman or even two, instead of some sexual substitutes including even sex sublimation through work. As to Putin's tight schedule – where do Putin's remarkable photos on fishing, Putin in the pool, Putin with amphoras, Putin with cranes come from? Well, he is so busy that has no time for woman. May be press secretary is cretin? Or they all are like this there?

Making comments on political consequences of Putin’s divorce, the chairman of Editorial board of FORUM.msk Mikhail Delyagin took interest: "It is interesting how they will divide marital property - across Ural?"

Then he seriously added: "Putin's announcement about parting with wife testifies of fundamental separation of this person from political reality, of transformation of factors of his private life into a key factor of policy that is fraught with extremely negative consequences not only for the country but for him as well. More than 200 years ago Napoleon could say quite seriously that "trembling of my left foot is a great sign", but a lot of water has passed under the bridge. The politician ceasing to realize how and who perceives his steps has no chance to remain in the power, he has every chance to cease to be even politician".

- I would like continue Mikhail Delyagin's thought, - Anatoly Baranov noticed. - In our history it is the first divorce of the head of state, apparently, if not to recollect legendary marriages of Ivan the Terrible. Not everything was good in their families, but no one allowed to do something similar. It is long-standing tradition to consider – if you betrayed family, you can betray the state. It was the same, by the way, with the staff of intelligence services. Ordinary citizens weren't forbidden to get divorced. Putin is the first who dared to change traditions being the president and chekist at the same time. It is necessary to understand that now all have such right? After all then it’s possible to betray Homeland... Though Putin betrayed the state – he gave the Russian territories away to other countries, closed military bases, reduced army and fleet, depleted intelligence services. Obviously after divorce with Lyudmila he gave signal to others - betray, misters, openly - both to wives and Russia...

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