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Party of Power Has Already Distributed All Post in Don Parliament before Elections

Party of Power Has Already Distributed All Post in Don Parliament before Elections
Sergey Reznik 11.06.2013

In spite of the fact that elections in Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region will take place only on September, 9 positions of future heads of the Assembly are already distributed in the list of the deputy governor of the area Victor Goncharov who supervises staff questions.

Thus, Victor Goncharov appointed himself the chairman of Legislative Assembly.

There will be a party of those who is going to participate in elections in Legislative Assembly on Monday in the Rostov office center "Gedon".

Nevertheless, questions on personal participation in elections of candidates from the party “United Russia” will be in discussion till 12.06. Moscow is in thoughts. Figurants from Moscow and Rostov too dashingly acted...

Despite the fact that elections would only take place, roles of the main puppets have been distributed long ago and "crickets are placed on their perches"...

As real journalists will write then: "published by bloggers"...

Proposal on the heads of Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region of New Convocation





Chairman of LA

Goncharov V.G.

Vasilenko V.N.


First Deputy Chairman of LA

Phirsov N.A.

Shumeev V.G.


Deputy Chairman of LA

Kharchenko A.V.



Deputy Chairman of LA

Cherkezov V.A.



Chairman of the Committee on Laws, State-Building and Law Enforcement

Rukovishnikova I.V.



Chairman of the Committee on Local Government and Interparliamentary Communication

Rudoj V.V.



Chairman of the Committee on the Budget, Taxes and Property

Ryzenko S.P.

Surmalyan A.A.


Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Enterprise and Investments

Schablykin M.I.



Chairman of the Committee on Building, Housing and Community Amenities, Power Economy, Transport and Communications

Mikhalev S.A.



Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy, Labour and Health Services

Pakus I.A.



Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs, Cossaks, Physical Training and Sport

Stenyakina E.P.



Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, Food and Nature Management

Belyaev N.F.



Chairman of the Committee on Information Policy, Education, Science, Culture and Public Policy

Gelas M.V.

Marinova V.


Chairman of the Committee on Regulations, Mandatory Questions and Deputy Ethics

Deryabkin V.E.

Shepelev E.M.

*** Round-table conference will take place on Monday, June, 10 at 14:00 in press-centre of news agency “Interfax South” in Rostov-on-Don (Budennovsky Avenue, 60, business center "Gedon", 11th floor). The subject of the conference "Who and How Will Participate in Elections in Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region".

If there’s any sense in it after all?



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