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The Kremlin Will Grow Generation of Those Who Shit on Themselves

The Kremlin Will Grow Generation of Those Who Shit on Themselves

Christina Potupchik holding earlier position of press secretary of "Nashi" becomes now chief specialist of the Kremlin on Internet projects and media. Potupchik’s organization called "Fund" will be engaged in selection and maintenance of "the projects carrying out social, cultural and educational tasks". Department of domestic policy of administration will supervise "Fund" and the deputy head of the department Timur Prokopenko will become its curator.

Christina noted that she waits for registration of her fund in the Ministry of Justice.

"Now I don't work anywhere, but soon I will become employer, not only for myself, but also for tens young people who work in the sphere of social Internet projects," — newspaper Izvestiya quotes Potupchik.


From editorial board: In general I am not kepties of both sexes. Though earlier they were kept at own expense, while now – at the state.

The main sign of bourgeois democracy is possibility of control of the society over budget expenditure. Bourgeois mass media are one of the most important instruments of such control.

What do we see here?

The state represented by Presidential Administration employs outsourcer in the field of the most important bourgeois-democratic function - formation of public opinion. If there was a tender? If there was competition?

No, there couldn’t be any tender as "Fund" has already "won", being not even registered by the Ministry of Justice.

What does Prosecutor General’s Office think of it?

The choice of personality is also surprises. Press secretary of the Kremlin movement gone bankrupt in public opinion to such extend that it the Kremlin disintegrates it, carries out rebranding and employs cocked-up functionaries.

Whether this "Fund" will really start activity to maintain "the projects carrying out social, cultural and educational tasks", if all its history movement "Nashi" was engaged in absolutely different things? Its task was to make people love Putin, but it was absolutely unlucky - it doesn't seem to me that the movement coped with the task. Rather on the contrary as it was shown by 2012 and almost total absence of “mass” movement of “Nashi” on the streets.

Though it’s not absolutely so. On December, 6, 2011 last defile of “Nashi” with drums passed on Manezhnaya Square, but they failed to resist to really mass protest of citizens and policemen had to take matter of beating of citizens into own hands – it was then when “torment busses” were applied for the first time after the 90s.

On the Internet activity of Putin’s promoters was more than simply noticeable. Everything that is possible to make dirty – was made dirty. When Christina Potupchik says that "I will become employer not only for myself, but also for tens young people who work in the sphere of social Internet projects", it’s clear what she is talking about. About the Kremlin trolling put on state, industrial basis.

They will grow up generation of those who shit on themselves...

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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