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Life of “Dear Russians” Is in Reality Very Cheap

Life of “Dear Russians” Is in Reality Very Cheap

The Russians estimated the cost of human life. According to the poll which was carried out by the company “Rosgosstrakh”, the Russians consider the sum of 3.6 million rubles fair compensation in case of a death of a person. Fair value of total loss of working capacity (because of accident or trauma during performance of official duties), according to the Russians, makes 3,4 million rubles.

Research was carried out in 36 large and average Russian cities, total number of respondents made 3900 people, newspaper Vzglyad reports.

Departments of the USA and EU estimate the cost of human life more expensively: the European Commission considers that the cost of life makes 3,1 million euros, the ministry of transport of the USA – 5,8 million dollars.

According to world practice, the size of insured sum is measured by its revenues. This size is from five to ten revenues which will be lost in case of death of this person. There is estimation of the cost of life on the basis of average per capita gross domestic product. In this case loss of public usefulness is estimated in case of premature death of the person. This indicator in Russia is equal to 2,5 million rubles.

There is method of estimation on the basis of labor market research. Difference in salaries between economy branches with various risk of death is considered here. It is supposed that on competitive labor market the workers occupied on dangerous production have to get special award for risk. Thus the cost of human life is equally estimated both in Russia and in the USA – 4 million dollars.

In reality of compensation in Russia in case of death of the person lower than 3,6 million more rubles which Russians consider as the "fair" cost of human life. So, the amount of payments on an insurance in case of death most often makes about 2 million rubles (from five to ten annual salaries), according to the CMTPL in case of death it is possible to count a maximum on 160 thousand rubles in the form of compensations. If the person was lost as a result of an occupational accident, his relatives will receive a maximum about 77 thousand rubles. The greatest possible payment on death is equal in recently adopted law on obligatory insurance of a civil liability of carriers to 2 million rubles (plus of 25 thousand rubles on burial). If the citizen was lost as a result of an act of terrorism, to his relatives compensation is put in 1 million rubles. On death of the serviceman his relatives can count on payments a maximum to 3 million rubles (the minimum – 204 thousand rubles).

In reality compensation in case of death of the person is lower than 3,6 million rubles which the Russians consider “fair" cost of human life. Thus amount of insurance payments in case of death most often makes about 2 million rubles (from five to ten annual salaries), in case of death you can get maximum 160 thousand rubles against CMTPL in the form of compensations. If the person died as a result of industrial accident, his relatives will receive maximum about 77 thousand rubles. In recently adopted law on obligatory insurance of civil liability of carriers the greatest possible payment after death is equal to 2 million rubles (plus 25 thousand rubles for burial). If citizen died as a result of act of terrorism, his relatives will be paid compensation in the sum of 1 million rubles. After the death of the military man his relatives can rely on the payment maximum of 3 million rubles (minimum – 204 thousand rubles).


From editorial board: Briefly - life and health of "dear Russians" cost to exploiting it bourgeoisie and the state – exploiter extraordinary cheap, literally 20 times cheaper, than in the countries of "gold billion". If to judge by a number of billionaires of the Russian origin, it turns out that economy of Russia is one of the most profitable in the world (if not the most profitable). While if to look at such integrated indicator as life expectancy, especially at life expectancy of men - the main producer of additional product - which is on average 15 years less, than life expectancy of the European leaders of longevity, profitability of the Russian people is simply tremendous: they work a lot, consume little and live not for long – the fact which facilitate life to pension funds. At that they consider price of their life which is 20 times less, than in the developed countries “fair”.

As one poet said, it’s possible to make nails from such people. As well as oak stools and plugs for oil pipelines.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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