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Officials Can’t Find More Than One Hundred Thousand Children in the North Caucasian Federal District

Officials Can’t Find More Than One Hundred Thousand Children in the North Caucasian Federal District

Officials of the North Caucasian Federal District can't calculate more than one hundred thousand children, envoy of the president in the North Caucasian Federal District Alexander Hloponin declared.

"Recently we studied statistic of the situation in the republics. The first thing that is evident — there are no exact data, there’s huge divergences in the quantity of orphans and children in general. I will give terrible figure. We can't find 110 thousand children. They were born, but they didn't go to school, there are no traces of them anywhere: there is no certificate of death, nothing — if they went somewhere and how they did it," — Hloponin declared at the meeting of V Public Council of the North Caucasian Federal District on Thursday in Pyatigorsk.

He noted that in some place of the Caucasus there is tradition according to which dead child should be buried should be buried before sunset, however "there’s no account of such cases".

"There are facts when a child is registered, parents receive grants to support standard of living somehow," — the envoy told.


From editorial board: What about Dima Yakovlev's law who was brutally tortured by the American villains? What about ombudsman Astakhov strongly supporting rights of children tortured by the Americans? Where are many thousand demonstrations with requirements?

Bullshit - 110 thousand small Caucasians lost. Though they are small, they are already the Caucasians. Whether different outstanding people should worry? Let Hloponin sums up report stating that receipts don’t met expenditures and we will forget...

That is 110 000 only in one federal district somewhere lost children is not a problem for the homeland rising from knees. While the Americans don't allow our diplomats to supervise how adopted orphans live – that is the theme which should be interesting for patriotically spirited citizens.

There is, of course, probability that these children didn’t exist at all, that these are write-ups made to receive additional resources of the budget. It is very ugly, but it isn't unexpected – it’s the first thing (actually we suspected it earlier) and the second - unfortunately, for certain not all 110 thousand were non-existing. Alas, some part of them was born. Either they died without having burdened medical statistics with undesirable figures, or disappeared somehow...

While the figure is impressing, certainly. It is more, than the quantity of people who died in both Chechen campaigns - and these are only children...


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