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Serdyukov’s Country House near Anapa Is Continued to Be Built on the Place of the Black Sea Fleet Base

Serdyukov’s Country House near Anapa Is Continued to Be Built on the Place of the Black Sea Fleet Base
Tatyana Starodubova 13.03.2013

Leader of the party "Yabloko" Sergey Mitrokhin addressed Chief Military Procurator of Russia Sergey Fridinsky with the requirement to get investigation of proceeding construction of "Serdyukov's country house" near Anapa under personal control. At present construction of a mansion in the reserve territory Utrish is at the end.

S.Mitrokhin demanded to carry out inspection in relation to the deputy minister of defense general Nikolay Pankov who, according to the leader of "Yabloko", in 2009 provided deputies of the City Council of Anapa with obviously false information that the land is necessary for "placement of navigation station".

The leader of "Yabloko" also appealed against corruption auction - purchase of outdate GLONASS for the sum 478 million rubles under the order of the Minister of Defence.

Let's remind, in the summer of last year public inspection of party "Yabloko" led by its leader Sergey Mitrokhin found in the settlement Big Utrish building country house under the guise of a military center. It appeared that in July, 2010 Minister of Defence of that time Anatoly Serdyukov addressed administration of Anapa with a request to transfer to the department of property relations of the Ministry of Defence a piece of land in 9227 sq.m in the village Big Utrish of the Anapa region of the Krasnodar Territory. Construction of RLS related to the forthcoming transfer of ships of the Black Sea Fleet was planned on the site located on the bank of the Black Sea.


Having considered Serdyukov's address, officials transferred the earth to the Ministry of Defence. In August, 2010 the site became property of the military department and three months later – property of the unitary enterprise "District Material Warehouse of the Moscow District of the Air Force and Air Defence". Then it was brought into authorized capital of joint stock company with the same name which was directed by Maxim Zakutajlo involved in case with “Oboronservice” being by the time in prison. Subsequently the site was recognized as non-core asset and via center of legal support "Expert" was sold to the private company for 110 million rubles. Now husband of Anatoly Serdyukov’s sister Valery Puzikov builds elite housing estate on it.


From editorial board: Probably, civil people don't understand stratagem of Putin and his faithful companions. Russia has only about 160 kilometers of the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar Territory. It’s under total control as it’s situated next to the countries of NATO and their satellites. Brilliant plan - to disguise naval outpost of Russia under palace and country construction - was thought up.

"Putin's palace" in Praskoveevka also appeared for this reason - actually it is masking for a base of submarines deeply under the earth, much deeper, than ruined underground plant in Balaklava. Under pretext of construction of pipeline under the bottom of the Black Sea, of so-called South Stream, our submarines directly from "Putin's palace" will secretly emerge in every point of the Black Sea and even pass near Dardanelles – following Suvorov’s places to Italy!

The residence of patriarch actually is secret base of our aircraft being covered by bell-ringing and sounds of church chorus it will be able imperceptibly to warm up engines and to strike unexpected blow to the opponent.

Well, Serdyukov's country house, as it was told above is the location of such powerful RLS that it will supervise all space to Nigeria and the Horn of Africa.

Confidential shipyard where at once 20 aircraft carriers of the most modern class will be constructed as it was promised by the commander-in-chief of the Navy by 2020 is under construction now in Voronezh under the guise of nickel plant. Secret channel which will be used by aircraft carriers to move from the river Voronezh to the Black or following Nord Stream to the Baltic Sea is being digged days and nights under the disguise of pipeline.

You shouldn't underestimate well-known Rublyovka - till 1991 up to 50 percent of production of military industrial complex was produced in the Moscow region. It didn’t disappear - simply it went under the earth, reliably covered with palaces, country houses and elite settlements. One shouldn’t think that chains of "Maybach" and "Lexus" carry their owners to work - no, having modestly dressed up as pensioners, they go to the House of Government and to the Old Square by electric trains. While elite cars are full with modern details and accessories, on the way back they carry soil and construction garbage.

Russia rises from knees. You just don’t notice it!

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