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Instead of "Nashi" the Kremlin Will Create "Death Squad"?

Instead of "Nashi" the Kremlin Will Create "Death Squad"?

The concept "nashi" in relation to youth policy will become a thing of the past soon — restart of the movement is planned within a year, two Kremlin officials told to "Vedomosty".

Core group of the movement in many regions will be created practically anew — first of all in Moscow, Petersburg and million cities. The Kremlin curators found out that the most viable offices work in small regions of the central and southern part of the country as they are fostered by governors, members of “Nashi” were brought to Moscow for actions by buses.

The founder of the movement Vasily Yakemenko commented reset prospects: "In 2005 "Nashi" brought 50 000 people against orange threat in Russia. On December, 6, 2011 they were the only who came to Mayakovskaya Square to protect results of elections".

Just after December, 2011 it became clear that "Nashi" are ineffective for the struggle against opponents of a mode therefore the Kremlin banks on less ambitious, local, but, maybe, more effective projects, political scientist Alexey Makarkin considers.


From editorial board: Let's try to give the translation from the Kremlin language into normal, human language.

The authorities frankly messed up with “Nashi” – members of "Nashi" turned into hob, one of the eloquent examples of "lead nasty things" of the mode. Thus the idea was very expensive for the budget - and absolutely inefficient in policy. Yakemenko's child didn't turn into HJ. The main significant fact: belonging to the movement “Nashi” became sign of mental poverty among youth in the capitals and million cities. More or less capable structures appeared only in deaf province and only under dense patronage of the authorities - nothing unusual, simply "Nashi" appeared there the only social elevator for the youth. People in large centers frankly avoid using this pissed elevator.

Yakemenko does his own thing – he recollects with pride 50 thousand provincial children brought to Moscow by buses for T-shirt, pager and lunch in McDonald's. If there was propaganda effect from the action, then it was negative one – later they failed to gather such crowd even in the province.

As to the “feat” of the movement "Nashi" on December, 6 on Mayakovskaya Square – I personally witnessed it. Scared children whom someone gave drums, beat the drums with fear, because on the one hand there was a crowd of really angry Muscovites, on the other – a crowd of flown into a rage policemen. There was also a small group of fans of Spartak - adults and also with drums. They beat nobody – it’s one thing to wave fists in showdown between "firms" and absolutely other – to beat unfamiliar to you people for money following someone’s order. Besides there were few fans, while the crowd of Muscovites made two-three thousand. “Torment buses” were used there for the first time on political actions, I was the one who used to pass one of them. They beat people very hard up to "ambulance” and reanimations. Members of "Nashi" had nothing to do with it, they played role of petty seducers, while law enforcement officers acted as executioners .

However, the same situation is in other cases - punishments over oppositionists are carried out not by members of "Nashi", but by employees of various thrived power structures. What’s then the reason to feed the crowd of these useless greenhorns?

It’s clear what Makarkin means - what "less ambitious, local, but, maybe, more effective projects" mean in policy? No political projects are made modestly and not ambitiously. So, what’s he talking about? Whether about "death squads", operating according to the old worked out scheme: you arrive from the province, make business - and dissolved somewhere about...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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