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Putin Will Close Borders of the CIS

Putin Will Close Borders of the CIS

Not later than since 2015 entry into the Russian Federation for citizens of all CIS countries will be allowed only according to international passports. It was declared by Vladimir Putin when he was making annual presidential message to the Federal Assembly. The president reminded that citizens of the CIS come to Russia according to the national passports of the countries. It’s very difficult to carry out migratory counting at such system, the president of Russia considers.

It’s absolutely unclear how counting according to the all-civil passport differs from counting according to the international passport. Same procedures, same registration of entry - departure, same migration card. Where’s the difference?

On the other hand, if the Ukrainians come to us according to the international passports, symmetrically we go to them according to the same document. What for? If Putin thought of million fellow citizens who will have to make international passports to visit relatives in the neighboring region which 20 years ago became foreign territory? If Putin knows that it’s really a problem to receive international passport - especially in small provincial towns and furthermore in a village?

Actually under conversations on expansion of integration creeping reduction of migration in former republics takes place. That is reduction of economic life.

Someone doesn't like Tajik yard keepers? Though these "someone" doesn't seek to take their prestigious workplaces. Deputy Prime Minister Golodets has just sounded figures of record-breaking low unemployment in the Russian Federation. It means the number of vacancies exceeds quantity of wishing to fill them. At the end we risk instead of "bad" Asian yard keepers to stay without yard keepers in general. After all to receive international passport in some Asian republic is sometimes both difficult and unreal expensively.

It would seem it is simpler and more favorable to invest money into development of local economies, at least of raw orientation. Republics of Central Asia are storerooms of natural resources. While all this was developed at local level, there were no barriers to irritating society immigration in the USSR.

One shouldn’t forget that creating barrier to citizens of the Asian republics in the east, we create barrier to own citizens in the West. We finally lose Moldova which has non-visa regime with Romania – if Moldavians will need Russia then? We won’t strengthen relation with Ukraine where the number of close relatives going to and fro comes nearer to 25 million.

If I need to go to Ukraine according to the international passport? If it’s simpler to do on the contrary – to go to Russia with the passport of citizen of Ukraine? Many people think the same...


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