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Civil Activists Offer to Create “Razvozzhaev’s List" for Mass Media Supporting Political Repressions

Civil Activists Offer to Create “Razvozzhaev’s List" for Mass Media Supporting Political Repressions

The group of the civil organizations made open appeal to the western companies - advertisers of the broadcasting company NTV - to refuse placement of their advertisements on this TV channel as it actually supports political repressions in Russia.

The address was signed, in particular, by Lev Ponomarev and Andrey Piontkovsky. Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk also joined the address.

- I will dare to quote Mikhail Delyagin who wrote that the power should be kicked in the most sacred that it has – in its purse, - Anatoly Baranov told on this occasion. - Moreover, the list of the pro-Kremlin mass media involved in repressions as "the list of Magnitsky" should extend. Let's call it, say, "Razvozzhayev's list". It’s not a joke – people still the blame for Hitler’s financing on Bush’s family though then Bush Senior took part in in World War II. All the same it’s impossible to wash a spot on someone’s reputation away.


Open appeal to the advertisers of NTV: Don’t Support Repressions!

On October 5, 2012 television channel NTV showed pseudo-documentary film “Anatomy of Protest-2” in which there was episode of meetings of a number of oppositional figures with the Georgian politician where they ostensibly discussed the ways of destabilization of situation in Russia.

The material continued a series of pseudo-documentary materials of NTV about protest movement and non-governmental organizations. In June, 2012 the public board following the complaints to the press at the Union of journalists of Russia recognized series dishonoring and discrediting genre of journalistic investigations and its founders – unworthy rank of the journalist.

In spite of the fact that authenticity of the material used by NTV causes questions of many experts, already next day the General Prosecutor’s Office and Investigatory Committee of Russia almost synchronously began checks of the plots and comments of that TV program.

Criminal case about preparation for mass riots (article 30 and 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was brought based on the results of checks. Two heroes of that TV program - Konstantin Lebedev and Leonid Razvozzhayev - were detained and illegally deprived of freedom within the frameworks of the case. Thus, as we know, Razvozzhayev was kidnapped on October, 19 in Kiev in front of the office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ukraine and then was illegally delivered to Moscow.

Later Leonid Razvozzhayev told to the human rights activists who visited him that he was exposed to tortures and was forced to give false testimonies.

Oppositional politician Sergey Udaltsov was also recognized defendant in the same case.

All aforesaid prove that fact that television channel NTV actually was turned into component of mechanism of repressions against dissidents. Pseudo-documentary programs shown on this TV channel are not only directed on public discredit of opposition and non-governmental organizations, but also are used for fabrication of quasi-legal pretexts with the purpose of cynical punishment of oppositional activists and suppression of civil society.

Due to all foregoing, we ask you to consider the question of termination of advertising of the goods of your company on television channel NTV as it is a form of financing of politically reasoned prosecutions.

We also inform you that large-scale termless campaign with appeal to boycott the goods of those companies which continue advertising on television channel NTV is planned in the near future in the territories of Russia, the CIS countries and also countries of the Western Europe and North America.

We hope for your understanding!

Sincerely Yours,

Movement «White Ribbon»

Moscow Civil Forum

Group «Resistance»

Lev Ponomarev, executive manager of all-Russia movement “For Human Rights”

Andrey Piontkovsky, the writer, political scientist

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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