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Elections in Ukraine Caused Irritation of Washington and Churov’s Praise

Elections in Ukraine Caused Irritation of Washington and Churov’s Praise

The US State department considers elections in the Supreme Rada which passed on Saturday a step back in comparison with previous presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Elections were saddened by use of administrative resource in favor of the ruling party, intervention into the work of mass media and oppression of oppositional candidates, the acting representative of State Department Mark Toner declared.

“We are passed about accusations of falsification during the course of voting and summarizing, about discrepancy between preliminary results of the Central election commission and parallel calculations, as well as about the decision of the Central election commission not to give the results of the voting districts to publicity,” — Toner added.

According to the representative of the State Department, last elections wouldn’t become for Ukraine the next step on a way to becoming “independent, prospering and democratic” country.

They consider approximately the same in Europe: it’s stated in the statement on the site of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Ukrainian voters had possibility to choose representatives of various political parties but various violations took place in the course of elections.

“Carrying out of elections was connected with different types of violations such as use of administrative pressure, lack of transparency in financing of political parties and restriction of access to mass media for oppositional and independent candidates. Thus, electoral process wasn't carried out completely following democratic standards,” — is noted in the statement.

Though the head of the Russian Central Commission Vladimir Churov acted on Monday with positive characteristic of elections in Ukraine, he praised colleagues for good organization of voting.


From editorial board: So far the Central Election Commission of Ukraine processed 86,78% of bulletins. The ruling Party of Regions is still leading with 31,85% of votes. Within a day its gap with oppositional party "Batkivshchina" (24,20%) considerably reduced. The Communist Party (13,89%), the party of boxer Vitaly Klitschko “UDAR” (13,46%) and also the party of nationalist sense "Freedom" which collected 9,60% of votes also pass to Rada.

All this was already clear in the day of vote, the question was only in divergence in 1-2 percent and it didn’t change the final lay out.

The key phrase in the statement of the State Department became: “We are passed about accusations of falsification during the course of voting and summarizing, about discrepancy between preliminary results of the Central election commission and parallel calculations, as well as about the decision of the Central election commission not to give the results of the voting districts to publicity”.

That is the "Russian" technology of imitating elections has been applied here, technology when there’s no direct link between the process of lowering of bulletins and removal of the end results from the ballot box. Using such technology is possible to use transparent ballot boxes, even public calculation of bulletins - if not to bring publicly together, ballot boxes with bulletins can be left not opened at all or to be thrown out entirely.

“High" voters turnout is important here – it’s also being “drawn", so that to have quite plausible result in case of recalculation. Actually on activity of voters it was in no way impossible to assume that voters turnout would be up to standard of five years' prescription. Ordinary "surprise" known in the Russian Federation - by the end of day voters unexpectedly wake up and become extremely active...

Not casually the main performer of this "Russian technology" remained happy. However, technology is rather "Uzbek" and is widely used by Middle-Asian Post-Soviet despotisms. Thus the ruling party ”Nur-Otan” already in January “got” 87 percent on parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan after December executions in Zhanaozen thanks to this technology. Europe recognized it as "democratization" as "Nour-Otan" had all 100 percent in the previous structure of parliament...

Well, Ukraine for the present is at the beginning of this nice way. It hasn’t lived to executions as in the Kazakhstan Zhanaozen or the Uzbek Andizhan, there are no even political repressions as in Russia and Belarus. It is possible to relax and observe development of history right in front of your eyes – following settled course...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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