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Experts Counted up: the Head of the Ministry of Telecommunications Wants to Receive the Salary in 2,5 Million Roubles a Month

Experts Counted up: the Head of the Ministry of Telecommunications Wants to Receive the Salary in 2,5 Million Roubles a Month


Reorganization started by young Minister of Telecommunications of Russia has already led practically to stop of activity. Meanwhile, 30-year-old Nikolay Nikiforov wants to raise own salary to 2,5 million rubles a month. It’s almost twice and a half more than the U.S. President Barack Obama receives, the newspaper Trud notes.

As edition reports, Nikolay Nikiforov sent to the government the offer on improvement of structure and size of salaries of the staff of the Ministry of Telecommunications. “The minister suggests to reduce the staff of the department more than twice and at the same time to raise average salary three times”, – “Trud” writes.

Thus, as the newspaper notes, Nikolay Nikiforov planned the greatest increase of salary for himself: he wants to increase own salary in 10 times, from present 240 thousand "net" rubles a month to 2,5 million rubles. It’s 2,5 times more than the salary of Barack Obama. Members of a new team of the minister aren't forgotten also. “Nikiforov plans to pay 1,3 million rubles instead of 190 thousand rubles a month to two his deputies and to two other - 950 thousand rubles instead of 172 thousand”, - the edition adds.

For justification of such unprecedented increase of salaries Nikiforov offers twofold reduction of the staff of the ministry. Now 329 regular officials and 124 consultants work here, “Trud” reminds. On minister’s plan, there should be only 205 people and consultations should be rendered by the experts from the side, to pay for their services Nikiforov asks to create personal special fund in 150 million rubles a year which he will dispose without carrying out competitions provided by the legislation.

However, staff reduction won't lead to economy: the salary fund is planned to be increased more, than twice: from 298,6 million rubles to 608 million rubles. While personnel shifts in the ministry has already led to that its activity is paralyzed, “Trud” notes.

Thus, nearly half of administrative board was already replaced, the edition notes. “Only one of four deputy ministers remained - stats-secretary Alexander Maslov. Nahum Marder – a legend of the ministry – refused to work with a new team. He came for the first time to work in the ministry in 1980 and left it only for the period of boarding of Reyman. One of these days, just before the signing of the application on Marder’s resignation by the prime-minister Marder called some initiatives supported by Nikiforov unreasonable, for example, he pointed at the lack of economic validity of the project of ensuring universal broadband Internet access in the Russian Federation and at the haste in development of important bylaws”. With Nikiforov's coming the Ministry was left by the deputy minister Ilya Massukh supervising IT solutions, Alexander Malinin who was responsible for television, the directors of departments Lipov, Milashevsky, Mironov, Himchenko and Chursin, though Nikiforov promised to keep succession of the team of the former head of the department, the newspaper notes.

As liquidation of several departments and creation of several new is provided in the draft of the order of the ministry about new structure, present heads of divisions, not confident in their future, are afraid to show initiative and to sign documents. They discuss in a lobby of the ministry haughty unwillingness of the minister to listen to skilled employees and aspiration to surround himself with young, beginning employees with whom he wouldn't have feeling of uncertainty or with foreigners.

Nikiforov's proposals were considered by the governmental commission on carrying out of administrative reform and sent to the government. However, now experts treat their realization skeptically. This, at a meeting on questions of development of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (IEIS) in regions Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov rebuked Nikiforov's personnel policy. As “Trud” writes, Surkov demanded to solve the problem with low readiness of the authorities in regions to electronic interaction at rendering state services to citizens. Surkov declared: “You will dismiss people, when the work is done. To solve the problems you need people and percents in reports”.

Really, Nikiforov spoke about shortage of the staff himself speaking on October, 18 at the Moscow international forum on foreign investments. There he declared the need to involve foreign experts because “we are simply unable demographically, all our education system is incapable to provide that inflow of staff which is demanded”. “What is the demand, if tens thousands of young scientists and experts leave our country every year? Not all can get ministerial salaries?” – “Trud” asks.

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