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“Kazakhmys” Went to Strike

“Kazakhmys” Went to Strike

Source: Social Movement of Kazakhstan

According to the confirmed information, workers of a maintenance crew of EvroTekhService, LLP which is a part of Kazakhmys Corporation, engaged in maintenance and repair of equipment on mines went to a strike. Workers demand salary increase.

Management of Kazakhmys Corporation refuses to give comments.

Let's remind that mass dismissals of workers of middle ranking (Engineering technicians) began at Kazakhmys Corporation. Enterprises of the copper giant are one of the most dangerous where people die and become crippled in hundreds. Administration of the Corporation suggests to develop plan to decrease a number of personnel that will inevitably lead to increase of production traumas and other risks by October, 1. Big business won’t spare money on rehabilitation of its employees. Sanatoria, hospitals and other social objects will be sold by auction at “residual cost”.

About adoption of a complex of efficient measures

to optimize salary fund of daughter companies and

complexes of Kazakhmys Corporation

within frameworks of anti-crisis program

Aiming to realize the most efficient measures on defining of the optimal number of employees and optimization of salary funds of structural departments of daughter companies and complexes of Kazakhmys Corporation within frameworks of anti-crisis program and according to the protocol of the production meeting chaired by the chairman of the board of Kazakhmys Corporation from July, 20, 2012 №22-TC


1. To adopt complex of efficient measures on defining of the optimal number of employees and optimization of salary funds of structural departments of daughter companies and complexes of Kazakhmys Corporation within frameworks of anti-crisis program providing following necessary actions valid for all daughter companies and complexes:

1.1. revision and reduction of working places for non-deficient professions and non-key posts as on July, 1st, 2012;

1.2. granting the workers of unpaid vacations;

1.3. transition to short working day in some production spheres and objects of non-production activity.

The main thought of the order is that Kazakhmys Corporation decided to secure its millions at the expense of workers by granting workers unpaid vacations and transition to short working day. Thus nothing’s been said about reduction of production plan. It can mean only that after mass reductions operational use of the worker will be raised, thus the salary will be decreased “in connection with noncompliance with a plan”.

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