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Russian Departure. Why a Word “Russian” Became Seditious in Russia

Russian Departure. Why a Word “Russian” Became Seditious in Russia
Alexander Roslyakov 14.10.2012


A tendency got outlined now in the present ruling ideology: to delete a word "Russian" from everywhere replacing it with "orthodox". This fear of the word is in general our tradition. Say, in the USSR it was impossible to write "governors", only – "management"; in imperial Russia sharp-sighted censorship deleted from the recipe-book such “blowing” phrase as “to keep in the oven on free breath …”

Today known Arkhangelsk keeper of the Russian martial arts Alexander Tutov speaks in his "unprintable" interview:

“We with young guys from “Russkaya Probezhka” met regional official, she didn't like the word "Russian", she saw fascism in it. If that were Caucasian or Jewish jogs, there would be no problem. Even “Cossack jog” – is normal, while the Russian – is bad … The slogan “Russian – means sober” seemed to her extremist …”

Why did the word “Russian” become seditious word in Russia?

Someone considers that the mere concept of the Russian nation is ethnically dim and it can’t be used in general. Say, scratch every Russian, you will find the Tatar – and so on. I prefer without going into these ethnic cleaning-ups to give the Russian nation different feature – cultural one: the Russian is the one who speaks and thinks in Russian, professes the Russian culture – and ideally creates it. Such nation with its Slavic language making majority really exists, African Pushkin, the Germans Block and Richter, the Georgian Stalin, the Jew Pasternak also enter it. These are people who made for our nation so many things that up to now the word "Russian" sounds with a shade of pride all round the world.

While the word "orthodox" doesn't sound there at all – as there’s major difference between the Russian and orthodox which is especially seen from outside. Life of the Russians is confirmed with presence of the real Russian tank T-34, the Russian word "satellite", the Russian music, ballet and literature. Here one can also find the Russian revolt, senseless and ruthless, and the Russian soul that “is wider than a jacket” – all these are our national signs. The Jewish poet Pasternak isn’t known widely in the world, but there is the Russian poet Pasternak.

As to the orthodox – they didn't leave any trace in the world as in the furrow sea. Orthodoxy – only one of many private ways to pray and the world isn't interested if we go to spend time to the church, tavern or disco club; it is interested in what we do during working time. The Soviet poet Mikhail Svetlov - big funnyman – had a joke in that connection. Once on a health resort he was shown a man and was told: “Here’s Vera Inber's husband”. Svetlov asked in return: “And what does he do during day time?”

What do we do during the day? Mostly nothing! Here’s the source of interest to what we do "at night”, to all otherworldly – for there’s nothing we can boast about. Though those who pray let even a lot and qualitatively don't cause respect in the world; the world respect those who work a lot and productively. Therefore the Russians – nation still respected for its former works, while orthodox – community to nobody interesting archaic pilgrims. The Russians are outstanding personalities, fighters, creators, scientists, poets, musicians, subjugators of space and sea depths. And orthodox – faceless meek creatures obedient to their pastors, not creating anything in practice except personal gluttony. Besides – insincere souls as they know in their souls that there’s no God, for there are no cases when he prevented someone from saying lies, taking bribes, stealing and killing. While there is a herd instinct driving such meek creatures in to direction where all herd follow – as it was earlier with the party and Komsomol.

This inflatable Orthodoxy being more and more imposed instead of “the Russian truth”, contrary to the great pressurization gives in before becoming stronger Islam. As Muslims have different on their dense primitive and patrimonial basis karma – winning where achievements of more and more superficial civilization die. The Russians following atheistic science and culture learned to build tanks, planes and cars; illiterate Muslims learned to take them away. While as depriving and lawlessness became, under orthodox cover, norm of our life the most impudent in attacks savages win the rests of former culture.

Why did at all this our power banned world-wide respected word "Russian" to the advantage of though sounding with pleasure but fruitless "orthodox"? I think that there’s no mysterious secret here, there is only temptation to force the rest of people fell to their knees – at first before icon, then before it.

There are a lot of other phrases and deeds behind the word "Russian" which hasn’t been mentioned: “The Russian’s meat is another man’s poison!” etc.

Therefore Orthodoxy for the Russians – recourse and pulse loss, that’s why they, insincerely sliding in it, lose to savages sincerely standing on their barbarous basis.

Not orthodox, but the Russian including the Tatars, the Jews, the Germans, the Swedes and others beat off fascist invasion and started the first-ever satellite. These things are what couldn’t be covered with any present tactical censers.

Meanwhile more and more fiction appeared in our society now: in elections, in party trade, in freedom of press - not only imperious, but also oppositional - in inefficient work and so on. The power understands: to control the country on such basis is necessary to make its main population certain fiction. Here you are the reason of replacement of obvious Russians with some archaic orthodox.

Our top with its patriarch knows precisely well that there’s no God, at least orthodox! Otherwise, having at least some fear of God, they wouldn't spit on all his precepts: don't steal, don't say lies, don't gather wealth, go a close gate and so on. It says lies, steals, riches collects, enter through the narrow gate – at that they try their best to pretend that God exists. All this is done just to make working people fell on knees – at first before really beautiful, sometimes to tears, but sunk into oblivion images, then before themselves.

Here you are actually all explanation of this turn of our ideological river from the word "Russian" to "orthodox".

That fighting motto “The Russians don't give up!” helped us to stand in the war with fascists and in post-war race for our preservation. While orthodox, having started from small separate treacheries in that war, today already entirely gave up before big-bellied pastors! Today each Russian in Russia, orthodox or not, without glasses easily sees that his house is already surrounded by a cloud of these primitive and patrimonial visitors. Very soon he will be totally a prisoner of this orthodox lies and real horde.

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