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Don’t Take My Word…

Don’t Take My Word…
Baranov Anatoly 26.09.2012

You shouldn’t take a word. I am not an exception. There is no mechanism of forcing to fulfill election pledges in Russia. Therefore all now write “a theme”: how I will make Khimki exemplary communistic city terrestrial paradise.

Sociologists tell what you should write about to be pleasant: about housing and communal services and transport, health care and national education, personal security and cultural leisure. I also have results of these polls, but let me not write the same things which other write?

What others won't write?

For example, speaking about housing and communal services they will promise that it will be warm in houses of the inhabitants of Khimki this winter. It’s not the fact because preparation to a heating season was if not stopped because of administrative perturbations, but carried out carelessly. While let us be honest - to promise heat in houses in the 21st century is not so big exclusive.

Candidates will keep silent about tariffs. Though we have two regions where tariffs for housing and communal services are 30 percent higher, than in Moscow. It is Chukotka and Moscow region. It’s quite clear for me about Chukotka, while I can’t understand why it should be so in Khimki situated across the road to Moscow. The answer is known to all - money finds its place in someone's deep pockets. But these pockets are so deep that it’s mortally dangerous to get into them - we have no mafia, but sometimes people are killed.

If it is possible to guarantee heat in winter and lowering of tariffs at the same time? It is possible. But it is very difficult and quite dangerous. While it’s necessary to do if to say that something will be changed in Khimki. To do it necessary in such a way that householders societies were really societies of residents, not companies in arrangement to management companies. It’s impossible to do without support of citizens.

Or health care... Yes, they promise to open one more female consultation and something else. What of it? It’s very simple to open the office, to put there a table, pair of chairs and even gynecologic chair. Though once – I was 27 years old by the time - I opened a clinic in the neighbouring Solnechnogorsky region. Who will work there? Basic salary of the doctor – beginner in Moscow - from 20 thousand, in the region - 9-12. It’s clear I think why people go from Khimki to Moscow to work and not vice versa (while there was time when we observed the reverse process)? It means that good expert won’t go to work in Khimki - unless it will be some graduate of some Ashkhabad Medical Institute. That is medical care in Khimki in comparison with Moscow will always be second-grade.

If there is any decision at a problem? Yes. It is necessary to create such climate that there will be not only disadvantages but also obvious advantages for the doctor or nurse in Khimki. How to do it? Well, to write one more line in the budget will not be enough. It is necessary to work with people, it is necessary to find such people which will attract others... Well money is also necessary, it should be spent on other things but for facade.

What could be done at once? A lot of things.

Well, for example, I promise to enter “the law on responsibilities of the power” in Khimki. Principle is simple: you chose – you can judge. Yes, this law is recognized "extremist" as it assumes that the power should bear criminal liability for all focuses following the results of voting. Our most fair in the court world passed a judgment to the writer Yury Mukhin for that very law and the newspaper Duel was closed.

Certainly, I can't change the Criminal Code but in case I am elected I can annually carry out voting of citizens on two questions: if I should continue to be a mayor of the city or I should hand over powers. If citizens vote that I should go to hell – I will gather, as they say, my belongings and go. I won’t grab hold of the post. In 2003 year when I worked in the Government of the Russian Federation, I made a mistake – not so serious, it was possible to get off with small reprimand. But the mistake was public and I handed in resignation – I set an example what the meaning of a phrase “to bear responsibility” is. Next 2 months they kept my office free for me, but I didn't return.

The second that I can promise – I will be alone. The Constitution of the Russian Federation will be valid from the first day of my being the mayor of Khimki in full (as you know, in the Russian Federation it’s not so) – from notorious article 31 to the main, I consider, main article of the Basic law:

Article 3

1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation shall be its multinational people.

2. The people shall exercise their power directly, and also through the bodies of state power and local self-government.

3. The supreme direct expression of the power of the people shall be referenda and free elections.

Unfortunately, the member of NBP Sergey Medvedev wasn’t allowed to participate in elections. What were they afraid of? He had in his program a point that major decisions should be carried out through referendum. Just think – referendum is the supreme body of the power in Russia and it’s impossible to carry it out!

So, such phenomenon as local referendum will surely enter into life of Khimki and it will be carried out regularly, not following the will of the authorities. If inhabitants of Khimki decide to carry it out once a year – it will be so. It’s not so big technical problem in modern conditions.

By the way, once I already returned the right to the article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to inhabitants of Khimki through the court. City administration wanted to limit the right to meetings by a piece of land in a forest park, behind recreation center "Rodina". I, M.Beketov and E.Politova brought an action and won that case for citizens, however, Mikhail Beketov by then was already in coma …

In general, before voting read biographies.


Leninakan, I distribute food.

In 1988th I went to Armenia, there was earthquake – there I knew nobody and helped to the strangers. The editor of the weekly paper “Semya” handed over me and press photographer Igor Flis fresh "diplomas" of special correspondents and documents of "Children's fund named after Lenin" with the words: "A war is taking place there now besides earthquake, so may be it’s the last time we meet..."


In 1995 I agreed to be a hostage in Budyonnovsk, by the way, together with the new minister of information of Moscow region Valery Yakov, then he managed information department in "Izvestiya”, I then managed similar department in "Pravda". There, in Budyonnovsk I didn't know anybody. The same way as today.

On this casual photo you can see S.A.Kovalev, behind him Oleg Orlov, ahead of them I talk to Raisa Dundayeva - the terrorist...

Now our FORUM.msk are addressed by a lot of absolutely not familiar to me people – we help if it’s possible.

Well, unless you think I want to let my fellow countrymen down?

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