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Christian Protest Was Shown to Putin in Cologne Cathedral

Christian Protest Was Shown to Putin in Cologne Cathedral

The authorities in the RF, probably, believed that "Pussy Riot’s problem" will end for them after adjudgement - as it used to be more than once with load, resonant political cases. Thus scandalous processes against National Bolshevics technologically very reminding present court stirred society up, but society easily forgot about them just when guys went to prison. Great number of civil activists whose destiny in prison became purely their own business stay in cells under unfair and foolish sentences.

However, the case of Pussy Riot appeared to be more significant, than "adherents of Orthodoxy" from Presidential Administration assumed. Already today it’s being compared to both "Beylis's case" and to protection of Dimitrov in court in Nazi Germany, it’s even compared to Jesus Christ's story which was examined by Pontius Pilate. This case somehow is similar to allergic reaction: insignificantly small irritant leads to enormous problems in the whole organism. The same way the girls on Solea of Christ the Savior Cathedral became allergic shock for all Putin power vertical, both in internal and in foreign policy.

Here you are what "German Wave" reports:

Activists in Cologne supported condemned participants of punk group Pussy Riot who made performance in the main cathedral of the city. During Sunday church service they went to altar crying out appeals to release the girls.

Supporters of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot arranged protest action during Sunday church service in Cologne Cathedral. In the morning on August, 19 after termination of the sermon two young men aged 23 and 25 years and 20-year-old girl went to altar crying out the slogan "Free Pussy Riots" ("Freedom to Pussy Riot").

On the head of one of the protesters was green ski mask, all of them were dressed in multi-colored suits, DAPD reports. The activists had a banner which stated: "Free Pussy Riot an all Prisoners" ("Freedom to Pussy Riot and all prisoners"). Participants of a mass prayed for execution of the requirements of demonstrators.


Gatekeepers of the cathedral "benevolently but resolutely" set them out of the building and called for police, agency epd writes. Troublemakers didn't render resistance. Now they are threatened with punishment for violation of the law about meetings and preventing to administration of religious ceremony, the representative of the Cologne police reported. Protesters continued their action in front of the gates of the cathedral.

The vicar of Cologne Cathedral Heiner Koch who conducted church service quietly observe the action of the supporters of the Russian punk group standing at the altar, radio station of the Cologne episcopacy Domradio reported. When peace was again set in, he, having continued church service, urged to pray also for expectations of those people, as well as for those who live in Russia.

It’s strange, huh? Nobody talks about "blasphemy", all are quiet and benevolent, though the cathedral is not Luzhkov’s remake and parishioners are not former Komsomol workers, they are Catholics far not of the first generation. Nobody urges to kill or punish somehow indicatively – it’s even worse: "Participants of a mass prayed for execution of requirements of the demonstrators"!

The whole world is against Putin and his justice, both sir Paul McCartney, and Madonna, even old friend Angela Merkel - I can imagine surprise of emperor Tiberius: "So much noise because of some son of the carpenter?!"

Nazarbayev who shot one hundred workers in Zhanaozen and Shetp didn't appear in such shit as Putin who sent girls to prison for 2 years.

It is a pity, of course, that together with own reputation Putin drowned also the Russian Orthodoxy in the Kremlin toilet. Well, then he shouldn’t appoint “informer Mikhailov” the head of the church. Putin’s heads of banks and oil companies, ministries and mass media are entirely informers. While church – is not the oil company, it requires different approach.

Аnatoly Baranov

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