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Patriarch Kirill Confessed That Russian Court Is Execution!

Patriarch Kirill Confessed That Russian Court Is Execution!
Grechaninov Vladimir 02.08.2012

 Today, as news agency RIA Novosti reports, Patriarch Kirill (V. Gundyaev) visited the Nizhny Novgorod Region and noted important role of the court in civil society. It’s sounded like: "The court is very important execution in the human society which activity (court or society?) is directed on establishment of truth and finding out of justice".

I will note that the role of the court in today's Russia is really very appreciable, perhaps, even too much, so such statement in due time clears up church position on the matter. I don't understand only why it was necessary to go so far. It would sound more appropriate to the address: Moscow, 7oj Rostovsky Lane, 21 where Khamovnichesky regional court is situated, the most shameful trial over the girls from Pussy Riot group takes place there, the trial which can’t have any other name than execution.

As our spiritual chiefs studied sciences mainly in Marxism-Leninism institutes, I will explain that definition and law dictionaries unequivocally define word execution (lat. executio) as execution of the death sentence or corporal punishment. Taking into account the way aforementioned court passes, what moral and physical mockeries young girls are exposed there, the Patriarch told naked truth – it’s execution.

As to his words that activity of the court is directed on certain detection of justice – nonsense. The court is the state authority which is carrying out justice in procedural order established by the law and its task is to establish truth for the sake of justice. Not to search for justice where it can't be - among continuous custom-made lies.

However, I think that this Freuding slip, more precisely, Gundyaev’s slip isn't so casual.


From editorial board: The word “execution” was taught correctly in Marxism-Leninism institutes, patriarch Gundyaev studied in seminary and Ecclesiastical academy, so all claims should be directed to these institutions.

As to the word “justice”, in the damned by god United States and other Englands it means both truth and law. In the Russian language there’s huge gap between these two notions, undoubtedly, it’s reflection of Russian life where "one law for the rich, another for the poor”. There in Englands they have lawyers, we from immemorial times - solicitors.

Thus, having addressed to a foreign word, the Russian patriarch mixed up court with executioner's block. Quite pardonable error if to think better. Besides, during pre-revolutionary time the judicial performer for simplicity was often called executor - our court is traditionally execution...


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