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Putin Signed Decree about Own Helplessness

Putin Signed Decree about Own Helplessness


Vladimir Putin decided to address directly the victims of flood on Kuban. In the message published on the pages of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" using “simple human language” he explained people essence of the decree about help to inhabitants of the Krasnodar Territory published on the eve.

The head of the state also guaranteed that Investigation Committee would carry out thorough analysis of reasons which led to the tragedy. “If it will become clear in the course of investigation that someone from officials haven’t executed his duties in due time including notification of people about flood threat, they will be brought to responsibility according to the law,” — the president promised.

According to the president, the federal government together with administration of the Krasnodar Territory will develop a set of measures on counteraction to high waters till September of the current year. The head of the state will be reported about the course of works every day.

Vladimir Putin reminded about financial obligations taken the day before. Single financial support at a rate of 1 million rubles will be rendered to the families of the dead, the regional budget will also help such families in the same size. "That is families of the dead will receive two million rubles," — Putin writes.


From editorial board: I do not want to go into details of the content of the decree and Putin's address - probably everything is correct there. I pay attention to the mere fact of appearance of the decree, I want to draw your attention to the fact that level of management of the country reached such condition that flood in the 60-thousand town demands special decree of the president! We will live to the time when it will be possible to call sanitary technician only after the decree!

What’s the essence of the decree? The matter is that services and departments obliged to liquidate accident and to help people don’t liquidate consequences and makes nothing to help. The head of the state was compelled to go to the place of the tragedy twice, but the result was the same.

The second problem - nobody trust the power, neither in big, nor in small. The power doesn't trust itself! Because it knows itself.

Why should we trust the power? If they stole the power?!

Let's begin with simple things: number of victims of the tragedy. Divergence in figures from official bodies - from 150 to 170. They lost 20 people! Are they alive or not? After all compensations are allocated for them as well. If they nevertheless died - whether 40 million rubles will not be lost in "power branches"?

Let’s now answer a question: why rumours about thousands dead are so vivid among local population? Whether they so groundless, if even official figures have divergence in 20 people? The same problem here - nobody will believe the power, no matter what it would say, no matter who would speak from its name, even if it would be Putin. After all the power doesn't talk – it simply sends into prison for 15 days for "provocation" that, of course, should increase trust of the population extraordinary. Perhaps they will give to "Cossacks" rifles instead of whips? And to line up along the wall - to correct a death toll.

It appears now that we need special decree of the president that law enforcement bodies start check. To bring to responsibility – one more special decree. Nothing could be done without the decree.

The president will be every day reported about course of works on prevention of high waters in the Krasnodar Territory! After 12 years of his management of the country - such "hand control" level? If the drivers of the trucks and shovelmen will also make reports for the president?

I don’t talk about financial aid – it looks as if Putin is not sure himself – everything will be stolen for sure. He simply wants that not everything will be stolen. The knowing head...

Recently Maxim Kalashnikov wrote that Krymsk will become for Putin the same as New Orleans for his friend Bush-junior. The only difference is that Krymsk is 20 times less. Few villages in the west of Ukraine were enough for Yushchenko...

So, it’s not the decree – it’s shout of despair, ascertaining of total uncontrollability of system. Even Pu - great and awful - can't achieve anything from officials of the Krasnodar Territory! Removing of the governor is in general out of the question. It was Andropov who could send Medunov to prison, Putin can imprison only several peaceful demonstrators or three little girls.

In such situation the president could address directly society - if he himself hasn’t humiliated and crushed the dignity of this society. After all the help to victims is gathered by those people whom Putin’s chasteners careered about capital streets and sent to prison all spring and summer. They are the same people! The same people become now volunteers, they go to the place of the catastrophe where they are humiliated by representatives of the power.

Let Putin address now imperious vertical of thieves and swindlers which he himself has created. It is support of a mode. Let him lean on it now...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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