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Communistic Ideology and Symbolic Are Banned in Moldova

Communistic Ideology and Symbolic Are Banned in Moldova

The parliament of Moldova officially condemned communistic mode and forbade communistic symbolic. Relevant bill was adopted at a meeting on July, 12, 53 deputies from the ruling coalition and also independent deputy Mihai Godya voted pro. Representatives of oppositional Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova and deputies from the Party of Socialists as well as representatives of deputy group headed by Vadim Mishin (recently left the Communist Party, but remained in opposition) voted contra.

The bill was offered by the Liberal party of Moldova (one of the parties entering ruling coalition). It is based on the work of the commission on studying of "totalitarian communistic mode" created in 2010. The document "condemns totalitarian communistic mode in Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic which committed crimes against humanity as well as actions of all persons participating in committing crimes of communistic mode".

Besides, the bill forbids to use communistic symbols (sickle and hammer are mentioned as an example) in the territory of the republic.

Liberal and democratic coalition consisting of several parties is in power in Moldova. The Party of communists of the Republic of Moldova headed by the former president Vladimir Voronin is the largest oppositional party. Sickle, hammer and open book are symbols of this party.


From editorial board: There are only few countries in the world where communistic symbolic and ideology are banned, these are generally some exotic Post-Soviet modes teetering on the brink of liberal dictatorship (Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Georgia, Poland and now Moldova). It is easy to notice that except Poland and Georgia these are countries which were allies of Hitler in the World War II.

It‘s difficult to judge about the degree of pressure under which Moldova was being a part of the USSR in 1940 year. The more so Bessarabia in the structure of Romania appeared as a result of annexation and the Soviet government refused to recognize that accession for whole 22 years. In any case there was no democracy there - the territory was governed by the officials sent by the royalty. Industry which had been started developing in the period of industrial revolution in the Russian Empire was almost liquidated, the territory remained agrarian. Landowner property was renewed, there were simply no social guarantees to the population.

It is very difficult to understand what remarkable things happened during the period of 22-years Romanian occupation of Moldova. The Soviet period turned this republic into what it is now - minus "lost years" of the Post-Soviet period. Eventually, the Moldavian peasants ceased to starve only at communists.

Today the law on ban of symbolic and ideology pushes the country and its people to the intra national conflict. The law is adopted by the majority in 53 voices at 101 deputies of the parliament. Moreover, a fraction of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova is the largest fraction in the parliament - 44,69% of voices and 48 mandates. It is rather unique case when ideology of the largest party in the country is placed under ban by the majority in 5 voices.

It is necessary to tell that the period of boarding of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova was noted by one important circumstance - national reconciliation. While today the liberal majority puts an end to it.

"The European integration" the most convenient through Romania is the trump of the Moldavian liberals today. All of us see what difficulties the European Union is undergoing now and is clear that it doesn’t need Moldova as well as Romania. We remember that the European integration could be quite different – for example, one such European integration took place at Hitler and marshal Antonesku, it reached Odessa and went even further.

Transdniestria, especially Bendery where 489 people died in the summer of 1992 remembered Euro-integration very well.

However new generation which has also ripened up to Euro-integration grew up. There came time to die, boys?


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