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Obviously Even “Professionals” Are Not Ready to Catastrophe

Obviously Even “Professionals” Are Not Ready to Catastrophe

Three planes of EMERCOM with rescue technique landed in Krasnodar Territory where elimination of consequences of a severe flood takes place, is reported on a site of EMERCOM.

"Three planes of EMERCOM with rescuers and special equipment arrived to Krasnodar Territory additionally for elimination of consequences of nature. There is special equipment for inspection of territories and houses for the purpose of stability and safety", - is written on the site.

The day before the department reported about two more planes with rescuers which were directed to the place of catastrophe. Besides, on Saturday at about noon IL-76 of EMERCOM with rescuers and two helicopters onboard came from Moscow to Anapa.

The high water in the night of July, 7 flooded about 5 thousand houses in three cities (Gelendzhik, Krymsk, Novorossiysk) and a number of settlements of Krasnodar Territory. According to recent data, more than 170 people died. 480 people addressed for medical care. The authorities of Krasnodar Territory report about more than 20 thousand victims of flood.


From editorial board: Is it really so that the main deployment of federal forces of EMERCOM in Krasnodar Territory started only on Monday? But the tragedy occurred two days earlier! If it’s that level of efficiency praised by EMERCOM of the Russian Federation?

Certainly, no one could have assumed that catastrophe will happen at night, in July, moreover during week-end?

Judging by messages on boards and in social networks (including ours), for today level of help to citizens of the suffered territories is obviously insufficient - television quite complementary covers visits of the responsible persons, first of all of Putin, but it’s seen even during shooting of a flight of the head of the state over the territory of flooding in the helicopter – nothing happens below – no equipment, no rescuers.

Certainly, not quite understandable trolling takes place, but after all there’s no smoke without fire - if someone reports that sometimes people have nothing to eat, obviously, there’s really not enough food.

Secondly - a death toll. 170 bodies of the drowned people, generally elderly, were found for 2 days. But even now thousands houses stay flooded and it is obvious that the majority of these houses haven’t been surveyed yet. Though even here we see some trolling, they give huge, odd figures which at the present moment couldn’t be known to anyone.

Sad practice of large catastrophes worldwide shows that in one-two days a number of victims increases by several times against initial one. In our case the main forces of rescuers arrive only 2 days later, special equipment for inspection of building has just arrived to the region (but not to the place of tragedy) – it’s evident that society should wait for very sad news...

One can recollect that during well-known Armenian earthquake of 1988 some settlements destroyed by nature were found only many days later – they were simply forgotten...

Of course, later conclusions will be drawn. Including a choice of a place for the Olympic Games – natural disasters similar to this one are frequent in these territories.

Let's say, I remember when in childhood I with my friends hardly sank directly in the center of the city while fishing - the rain started and a strain rushed along the riverbed which was, by the way, concrete-enveloped, water flow gushing over this concrete protection rushed - we hardly managed to get out of it, we sat wet and understood that we had only just escaped death. Later, when I was already adult, I had to see (by the way, near to Sochi) how hardly perceptible stream, falling to the gorge in full view turns into the powerful stream which noise muffles a human voice. Example is not too far to seek - last year when I was repairing my car, the flood of “local value” which is not usually covered by press started – the car drowned directly in the middle of the road, I myself hardly got out…

Other thing is strange – despite the fact that floods here happen with surprising regularity both the authorities and special services always talk about "suddenness". Probably, there always should be place for a deed in one’s life?..

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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