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Security Oligarchs Started Nationalization of Enterprises in Pikalevo under the Pressure of Populace

Security Oligarchs Started Nationalization of Enterprises in Pikalevo under the Pressure of Populace

"Guys from Petersburg" were compelled to hold urgent meeting after overlapping by inhabitants of Pikalevo of a federal highway - all cream of security oligarchy, all those who scooped up oil and gas deposits, built palaces in Russia and abroad under the cover of Putin's nimbus and banner of "stabilization" gathered in the Kremlin. It's high time to share with people! Only whether they would pay wages to the workers from their superprofits?

One of the heads of enterprises in Pikalevo informed about meeting at Sechin. They don't confirm this info in the government, newspaper "Vedomosti" writes. According to agency Regnum, proprietors of factories in Pikalevo will take part in the meeting.

It was on the eve before that prime minister Vladimir Putin could visit Pikalevo. The head of the government intends to meet local authorities and workers and to understand the problem of Pikalevo personally. As the newspaper "Vedomosti" marks, they started solving the problem top-level.

As ITAR-TASS transfers, members of "Edinaya Russia" brought in the State Duma a bill of nationalization of enterprises in Pikalevo. Federal line New Ladoga - Vologda was blocked on Wednesday at 9.00 a.m. About 300 inhabitants of Pikalevo including women and children took part in the meeting. The action lasted eight hours.

People demanded to start immediately the work of factories in Pikalevo, to hand out wages, to stop dismissals, to provide them with workplaces at the enterprises, to renew hot water supply in the town. The chairman of the Petersburg organization of mountain-metallurgical trade union Jury Strelkov informed about it.

Workers of the basic enterprises in Pikalevo - "Baseltcement-Pikalevo", "Pikalevsky Cement" entering holding "Eurocement" and "Metahim" gathered for the meeting. "Baselcement" stopped alumina manufacture referring to high prices for raw materials. "Baselcement" in its turn delivered raw materials for enterprises "Pikalevsky Cement" and "Metahim". Enterprises have not been working since February - the beginnings of March.

From 22 thousand inhabitants of Pikalevo 4,5 thousand people work on this industrial complex. More than thousand people are already dismissed, total number of dismissals, predictably, will exceed 2,5 thousand persons, salary debts on two enterprises make several tens millions roubles.

Because of the debts TPP of one of the enterprises which supplied about 70% of housing stock of the town with heat and hot water stopped working.

The governor of Leningrad region Valery Serdjukov gave order on Wednesday to allocate 1,7 million roubles for social payments for Boksitogorsky area and 5 million roubles more for Pikalevo. The chief of Information Department of the government of Leningrad region Natalia Sheludko informed.

There are negotiations on creation of uniform enterprise "Baselcement" and holding "Fosagro" which delivered raw materials for the factory.

It's characteristic that state liberals didn't approve nationalization

Adoption of law on redemption of the property complexes of Joint-Stock Company "Baseltcement-Pikalevo", Joint-Stock Company "Pikalevsky Cement" and Joint-Stock Company "Metahim" by the state is inexpedient, the head of the Center of Social Policy of Institute of Economy of RAS Evgeny Gontmaher considers. "Nationalization, moreover at legislative level is a delirium. Our population acts following a principle of precedent and if the law on transfer of these enterprises to the property of the Russian Federation will be enacted, already tomorrow in more than 100 Russian monocities, where situation doesn't become better, will start preparation for such scenario", - he declared to news agency Interfax.

Besides, according to the expert, if the state becomes the proprietor of enterprises, "their workers will receive basically psychological pleasure". "Let's suppose that these factories are nationalized - what comes next? It's not a secret that state enterprises traditionally have weak management. Debts will be paid, a fire will be put out but then everything turn full circle, only then the state will shrug its shoulders, not the private proprietor. There's nothing to be done, if crisis is outside and there's no sale of production," - E.Gontmaher thinks.

Editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Dmitry Cherny observes the tendency:

- One should not appraise oneself - but we have already wrote about wide prospects of revolts at factories and nationalization not long time ago that prevailing authorities (which give order to attack out site but at the same time read it now and then) tried to size position of the Ukrainian State where the workers of Kherson Machine Works demanded to make the decision on nationalization. As a result, during the time when political crisis in Ukraine accrued, working control at Kherson factory was suppressed, while hundreds rebels were dismissed. Nevertheless: a start, a signal.

Nationalization in conditions of crisis - not revolutionary (while) luxury but necessity. However, the European states after the first blow of crisis started nationalizing of basically banks - it, by the way, didn't happen in the Russian Federation. But it was possible to foreseen that exactly producing, factory sector of economy would be the main thing during heavy time and to insure it from disorder and going bankrupt! While our starry-eyed advisers-liberals and greedy security officials - didn't turn a hair. While the salary is necessary right now to the workers, supporters of families from Pikalyovo. The honey was probably sweet, but they didn't tasted it.

So, our "guys from Petersburg" got it. Situation is a trouble and Pikalevo - the first sign in the Russian Federation. Kherson, Sevastopol - further everywhere. However, though Gontmaher also plays the liberal talking about the state management, I will agree with him from the left, so to say, point of view: such nationalization is not the way out. The matter is not in the quality of managers, all this is boring but habitual to liberals demonization of their "favourite" "soviet" which they see in all state things. But we see the state differently, the one it became just after 1991 - it's bourgeois, elite and hierarchical in respect of difference of incomes of the tops and the gutters.

Consequently nationalization with security officials at power - is not at all nationalization, not returning to people of those values that were taken from them, not the working but again bourgeois control, only now it will be superior to bourgeois, state, oil scale. Though for now it's the way out for the authority, it will be hidden for some time behind a nationalization signboard and then there will be no reason to hide - its fat personal luxury will get out from beyond getting thin information screen. 

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