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CPRF and “Yabloko” Legitimized Putin’s Mode on the European Level

CPRF and “Yabloko” Legitimized Putin’s Mode on the European Level

European Court of Human Rights refused to recognize infringement of rights of opposition on parliamentary elections of 2003 in Russia. It’s stated in the court decision published in its site.

CPRF, "Yabloko" and some individuals (Vladimir Ryzhkov, Irina Khakamada, Sergey Ivanenko, Vadim Solovyev, Evgeny Kiselyov, George Satarov, Dmitry Muratov) insisted on non-admission of opposition to air. As a result of it, according to claimants, their right to free elections provided by the Convention on human rights protection was broken.

Appeal against a course of parliamentary campaign was submitted in 2005. Before EСtHR oppositionists appealed to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, but it rejected their claim. Due to it claimants demanded to recognize that their right to judicial protection had been also broken. However, EСtHR doesn’t agree with the arguments and rejected appeal completely.


From editorial board: Certainly, it’s a mockery to receive an answer from EСtHR for the appeal connected to elections of 2003 when already two convocations of the State Duma had time to work and the third had been already elected. It’s like saying: "First World War was a mistake - prince Ferdinad is alive!"

Secondly, the mere decision is in fact also mockery - each citizen of Russia regardless of his views and interests understands that our elections pass dishonestly. While European Court, in fact, legitimizes this disgrace. Be quite, citizens, you were... deceived but it was done absolutely lawfully! It is simply not clear why you are holding meetings for already half a year?

Thirdly, it speaks about quality of our parliamentary opposition (then "Yabloko" also was parliamentary) - if you can lose the claim which, generally, is impossible to lose, what could citizens wait from you in political struggle?

It’s possible to say that such quality of "legal" opposition for 100 percent suits thieves' power. The power in every possible way protects this opposition against any competition from the part of real representation structures which thanks to legal lawlessness have been deduced for many years from legal political struggle.

Such state of things, obviously, quite suits Europe. Dictator regularly pumps oil and gas, buys goods and distributes bribes. Opposition is moderately indignant and this fact gives an additional leverage of influence to the dictator, Europe couldn’t dream to have more...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUm.msk

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