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Democratic Movement Was Ordered to Be Where It Would Be Told on September, 15th

Democratic Movement Was Ordered to Be Where It Would Be Told on September, 15th

"Organizing committee" intends to carry out the All-Russia protest action - "Uniform Day of Protest Actions" on September, 15th. Sergey Udaltsov told about it to ITAR-TASS. "The decision was accepted by organizing committee of recent "March of Millions", - he specified.

According to Udaltsov, "the form of the action/procession/ meeting will be defined closer to the date, but it will pass all over the country". Udaltsov suggested "to arrange action on October, 7th, to Putin's birthday, but the organizing committee decided that the break shouldn’t be so long". "The chosen date isn't adhered to any occasion, it’s simply the day off", - he explained.

- It seemed to me earlier that decisions in democratic movement are accepted more openly, - editor-in-chief of Forum.Msk Anatoly Baranov noticed about it. – While now some people majority of whom has no authority anywhere let opposition know where to come to in directive manner. I hope not with belongings? Guys, it’s already simple impudence! If I wanted to serve in army, I would go to army, I wouldn’t participate then in democratic movement. I would do everything under the order and orders, as we know, aren't discussed. But it seemed to me that such decisions should be discussed somehow, coordinated somehow with people. Let's say, I don't know about discussion of this question on Coordination Council of Forum of Left Forces. I am not talking about the Left Front at all – it’s obvious that ceased discussing anything there, they simply accept orders for execution. I don’t like it very much. AS well as the date September, 15th which is "simply the day off". Why, for example, August, 19th is a bad date? Probably, only because eminent persons of "organizing committee" would have a rest in August. The question, by the way, is essential – if we are people or a herd. If we need freedom or only good shepherd?

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