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Human Rights in the Russian Federation Are Guaranteed by Police, Not by Fedotov or Shevchyuk

Human Rights in the Russian Federation Are Guaranteed by Police, Not by Fedotov or Shevchyuk

When 11 not the least members of the Presidential Human Rights Council left it, his head Mikhail Fedotov carried out the ballot following the results of which he put forward new members. Among them — Yury Shevchyuk, Olga Romanova and Vladimir Pozner.

“I asked members of council express their thoughts — whom we would like to see as a part of the Council. It is alive structure. It is important that people understand each other. You will learn all names, when the president will sign the decree”, — the head of the Council Mikhail Fedotov declared to "Izvestia", having refused to call someone from the list. This week Fedotov plans to submit candidates to the president Vladimir Putin for consideration. According to him, the Council will be updated more than by quarter.

Yury Shevchyuk wasn't informed about own promotion:

“No offers were made”, — the musician told to "Izvestia".

The answer to the question, if he would accept the offer to enter the Council, was that it’s too serious business to tell immediately: “I need to think. I am on tours now, excuse me”.

Human rights activist from “Memorial” Alexander Cherkasov was also offered to become the member of the Council, but he refused. “I consider that cooperation with the power is necessary, but only in that case when it brings some result, when the power is ready to listen to councils”, — Cherkasov told. In his opinion, the present power obviously isn't ready to perception of councils.

“One of these days the president declared that criminal liability for violation of migratory legislation will be entered. While it contradicts the spirit of human rights. Recently adopted law on meetings actually forbids citizens to hold a meeting. My colleagues had sufficient experience in the Council. I don't want to be a stalking-horse”.

Its member, the chairman of presidium of the Council for foreign and defensive policy Sergey Karaganov expresses skepticism in relation to the Human Rights Council at president Putin.

“Situation becomes quite strange from the moral point of view. The law on meetings was adopted contrary to opinion of the Council, nobody paid attention to it. It is unclear, whether it (Council) is necessary to Putin. If he doesn't listen to us, we will absolutely turn into purely decorative element”, — Karaganov speaks.

Other representative of the Council, the head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov is also upset with the latest events. “Our first message was sent “to a basket“. We have been working over expert opinion under the law on meetings within three weeks. We received zero attention”, — he told.

Mikhail Fedotov hopes that he will manage to discuss all candidates offered by the Council with the head of the state. According to the provision on the Council, its structure is affirmed by the president of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile the high-ranking source in the Kremlin declared to "Izvestia" that Putin would sign that structure of the Council which would be brought to him by Fedotov. “You shouldn’t involve the president into this matter”, - the Kremlin interlocutor says meaning election of personnel structure of the Council.


From editorial board: I fell pity about Fedotov, but the Council “kicked off” - there are no human rights in Russia (it doesn’t touch only one person whose name all of us know) and the Human Rights Council at "this person" sounds already absolutely floutingly. Human rights are given by the Constitution, it guarantees them, but Russia of XXI century already has no Constitution - there is an empty piece of paper being amended by each sergeant of police at own discretion. Whether self-respecting person can be member of some "council at the president" after that?

About two years ago I noticed that the Moscow (!) police officers don't know surname Lukin and have no idea about existence of ombudsman in Russia. The president Putin hasn’t gone too far – “You shouldn’t involve the president into this matter”, that is the president avoids the Human Rights Council as some ugly frog.

As decent people refuse to play games with the Council, Fedotov has to search for indecent. For example, for Pozner, citizen of the French Republic. Where and when has ever Pozner protected human rights, especially in Russia which, by his own recognition, he doesn't love and where he simply earns money? Why not Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin?

Ah, yes, Shevchyuk - decent person in general opinion, but he is on tour, he has no time for human rights. Besides he has no reason to play the fool for the sake of preservation Fedotov’s position.

I am not talking about Olga Romanova who is engaged in protection of rights of own husband - at least it has relation to the process. Though why not Khodorkovsky's spouse? Or wife of the colonel Kvachkov? Wives of those 13 people who were arrested re case of May, 6th?

Actually even before the Human Rights Council was left by the most appreciable people, society there was presented somehow one-sidedly. For example, there’s Karaganov heading some "council on foreign and defensive policy" - what connection does it have to protection of human rights? While those who are beyond liberal paradigm – the left or nationalists – absolutely aren't presented. Here you are the reason of strange distortion in the priorities of the Council - a lot of Khodorkovsky and nothing of Kvachkov or Arakcheev.

Let Limonov be the member of the Council – he has more guys in prison, than Putin hair on his bald head. Elect Nastya Udaltsova - her husband is also under examination, a number of such people from the Left Front is becoming bigger, Torbeev was added by Akimenkov. Elect Kvachkova and Mironova - after all you won’t live with them, you will only work over questions of human rights protection with them.

Or just in general put up the shutters and pass the law: "Human rights in Russia are guaranteed by police".

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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