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Support of Putin’s Course – 12-16 %

Support of Putin’s Course – 12-16 %
Baranov Anatoly 10.06.2012

Only 3% of the Russians want to live in democratic country and 5% already would like to replace the structure of the government recently appointed by Medvedev. Such data are provided by the poll of VCIOM prepared for June, 12. At last only 1%, according to the version of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center would like to have revolution.

Certainly, it is possible to put one and the same question differently. For example:

- whether you want revolution as a result of which you lose house, family, health and will die of hunger in a camp for refugees at the end?

- whether you want revolution as a result of which our country will pass to a new, more progressive model of development and become world leader on rates of development and quality of life?

I think the results of vote will be different.

The question is different: why VCIOM carries out such "research" and true supporting voice of the mode “Izvestiya” publishes its results to the "Day of Russia" - to the doubtful holiday celebrating election of the first president of "independent of itself" Russia?

It turns out that citizens of Russia don’t want any democracy! Let always be Putin!

The Constitution which first article says that "Russia is democratic federal constitutional state with the republican form of government" – let it go wayside! Not casually it’s been considered that the main holiday of "Putin's Russia" is the day of election on a throne of the drunk, not the day of adoption of the Constitution.

We don’t talk about revolution – November, 7 when the power in the country passed to citizens, the day of birth of that state which right successor the Russian Federation is – isn’t in general a holiday in PR (Putin's Russia). While Bastille Day is the main holiday in France. In our country – accession of Sobchak’s dynasty (very few people remember that at the same time with Yeltsin the country chose itself not only the first mayor of Moscow Popov with vice-mayor Luzhkov, but also the deputy of the Supreme Council of RSFSR Anatoly Sobchak). Now we have successors of Sobchak on a throne and the main media person of opposition – the national heroine Kseniya Anatolyevna Sobchak.

However half-truth appears through the data of semi-official poll of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. According to the research, by 2020 16% of respondents would like to see Russia the leading world power, 14% — rich prosperous country, 13% — the state providing growth of welfare.

“The country with strong army, without corruption and possessing high level of culture” — 3% of respondents would like to live only in such Russia.

Unless our citizens really don't want to vote for all good against all bad?

It is rather on the contrary – they want, but in their majority they don’t expect anything good from this state and this management by 2020. Whether it is possible to believe that by 2020 Russia every year losing several thousand citizens and degrading practically in all branches, including oil gas production feeding it will out of a sudden become the world leader? Within a month people lost more than 15 percent of their ruble income at the expense of devaluation which is tenderly called "weakening of ruble" and at the same time they are promised growth of welfare and prosperity?

Only the one who saw army only in films can believe in the country with strong army. While” who served in army doesn’t laugh in circus". To believe that Putin ruling the country on behalf of "Petersburg organized criminal group" would exterminate corruption? That some guy Medinsky will lift up culture?

I think that exactly these figures - 13-14-16 percent - reflect real support of Putin’s course, his “United Russia” and so on by citizens. Russia was always famous with its roads and fools. But even among them only 3 percent believe that this course could really lead somewhere and 5 percent believe that it’s possible to achieve some results, if "to change girls in a brothel" a little.

What about 1 percent of wishing revolution? Who told that rest 99 percent don't wish it? They are simply afraid to tell about it.

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