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All Are Again Driven to Bolotnaya. It’s Interesting – What For?

All Are Again Driven to Bolotnaya. It’s Interesting – What For?
Baranov Anatoly 09.06.2012

 It’s definitely impossible to understand what event and where it will pass on June, 12 from messages of mass media. Possibly someone is getting some things confused deliberately, but organizers also don’t do anything to clear it up. Apparently, at last all will be driven to Bolotnaya Square and it’s apparent that it would be done in the most inconvenient way.

Nothing’s been even mentioned about application from Forum of the Left Forces, as though there wasn’t such at all, though the capital mayoralty periodically "unites" it either with "organizing committee" procession, or with a meeting for referendum of "League of voters". Naturally, both "organizing committee" and "League" aspire to "unite" it with itself. However the substantial part of the process is getting more and more lost and all, apparently, have already forgotten what the reason of the event is - after all the fight is much more fascinating.

I quote Alexander Chubin, for the present the member of the executive committee of the Left Front: "In the course of the discussion about the place of the meeting on June, 12 the reason of its carrying out is getting somehow lost. If social requirements of the movement about which we talked on May, 30 would be proclaimed on June, 12 or this idea will again “merge"? Here’s a key question before June, 12. As far as I understand, liberal and populist "leaders" don't support promotion of social requirements and prepare some purely political manifesto. If they refuse to include social package into the document, the left have no reason to support their manifesto (if they are, of course, left), but it’s necessary to proclaim own. It’s necessary to do it in speech of the representative of LF on the meeting. Moreover, it is necessary to suggest people on the square to vote for social requirements alongside with political ones".

All somehow reconciled that though formally the left have some representatives in "organizing committee", but in fact only Udaltsov has some relation to the Forum of Left Forces and the Left Front, therefore Shubin speaks about the acting in singular. While how technically (even if to assume that Udaltsov will suddenly support Shubin’s offer) to induce the square to vote for something that isn't coordinated with the plans of the "organizing committee"?

There was yesterday possibility to coordinate the left forces speaking on behalf of the Forum with the "League of voters" - Elena Tkach transferred us words of local organizers: "Certainly, it would be great, if the left came to the meeting in support of referendum, certainly we will let them make speeches". Yesterday at 21.00 the applicant of the meeting in support of referendum Elena Tkach was sure that there was no unification of meetings. However, “We agreed for June, 12”, — Sergey Parkhomenko — one of the organizers of the action wrote late at night on June, 7 in his blog on the site of radio station Ekho of Moscow. That is, apparently, "League of voters" make decisions not coordinating them with applicants of the meeting – unless it’s better than to have some "organizing committee" which, having appeared from nowhere, has been going from failure to failure fro already half a year?

Thus the left movement as well as in situation on May, 6 appears in absolutely compelled situation: it’s positively impossible to refuse from participation in general civil protest, but our opinion, our position interests nobody in this protest - create extras and then try to escape somehow imperceptibly.

Actually earlier the left used to go for years at the tag end of Zyuganov's party being afraid to come off from the mass of "socially close", till on May, 1 this year they gathered independently and found out to own surprise that they are that very “mass” which we were afraid to lose.

The same situation with "the third application” which mayoralty of Moscow actually ignored - because Taras Shevchenko Quay is simply insulting, we could as well offer Vasily Petushkov Street or a city dump.

Actually June, 12 – is rather casual date, it is an occasion when there is no real occasion. Probably, we should let the event pass as it would pass – once again we will stay, listen to the liberal public and creative intellectuals as well as Udaltsov and Navalny for dessert. Schizophrenic manifesto with the requirement to Putin to resign and give way to "provisional government" will be accepted on our behalf – well, let it be, any toy is ok that keeps baby at play. Some strange people whom liberals appointed to be our "leaders" will act on our behalf. It should please us.

We should keep it in our mind for future that it’s necessary to stop acting on other's agenda. Otherwise we will again and again find ourselves with beaten faces and not own results. If someone is eager to become the leader of no matter what – what connection it has to the aims of the left movement as a whole and each of the left organizations in particular? It’s not necessary either to the left, or to mass of workers on behalf of whom we want to act.

Whether it is necessary to participate in general civil protest? It is necessary! But only with own agenda. To run at the tag end of someone is a way to the city dump.

It’s better to do everything ourselves, one shouldn’t be afraid that we have no enough forces – there are in fact more of them, than we think.

PS. If it seems to someone that to follow next police provocation is very big achievement, I advise to compare May, 1 and 6. Same participants, but absolutely different result. On May, 1 the left felt their force and that force was felt also by the authorities. On May, 6 – they gave an occasion to adopt amendments to the law on meetings and to "crack down” in general – the mode was looking for such occasion all the time.

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