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1st of June – Children’s Day. Day of Protection of Children… from Putin

1st of June – Children’s Day. Day of Protection of Children… from Putin
Alexander Golovenko 03.06.2012

Really 1st of June - one of the most unloved days of a reigning tandem. No matter whom you take – the president Putin or the prime-minister Medvedev. Because one should depict careful fathers of nation on the International Children's Day. To assure that he loves children, orphans, mothers having many children. While it’s hardly pleasant to simulate love for children even for facade.

As other 364 days of the year you do everything against them, acts out of spite and to harm them. Ask any mother from usual family whom it is necessary to protect children from today and almost every without reflection will answer: “From the state”. From that one which using fire and sword entered mongrel Unified State Examination turning children into zombie.

From the one which under direction of Putin and Medvedev made Russia for last 10 years occupy the 1st place on use of heavy drugs which take away lives of 100 thousand young children annually.

From the one which placed the country on 1-2 places in the world on teenage suicides.

From the one which entered monthly child allowance in the size of 70 rubles and forced poor regions pay it.

From the one which doesn't wish to treat seriously ill children free of charge for long as it is necessary according to the Constitution, but forces parents to beg all over the world.

From the one which spreads criminal juvenile justice allowing officials to take the child from needy mother away for delay in payment of a rent.

Which … There are many other items to be listed. For all policy of the authorities starting from Yeltsin - anti-maternal and anti-children. Therefore we have more orphans than after Civil and World wars - over 700 thousand. Therefore, by estimations of the chairman of "female" committee of the State Duma E.Mizulina, we make about 7-8 million abortions a year. At birth of 1,4-1,7 million babies.

Therefore quantity of children becomes 1 million less each year. If there were 40 million of them in Russia at Soviet power, now we have 25. Thus 5-6 million - homeless, having no education “Gavroches”.

Very few people know what was the beginning of Mr. Putin’s first day in the Kremlin on January, 3, 2000 as the prime minister, acting president and the candidate for president of Russia. So, he started from putting veto for distressful law “About state support of large families” which was accepted by the State Duma and passed sieve of the Federation Council.

It is remarkable that then oppositional parties managed to submit rejected law for plenary session of the State Duma to overcome presidential veto. However party members of "United Russia” of that time ruined it by their voting. It happened on the eve of Mother’s Day on November, 26 …

- It was a signal for us – attack on motherhood and childhood has been starting though they should be protected under the Constitution and protected by the state, - the author of the bill, the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Children Nina Ostanina told then at once.

She was not mistaken … For 4 years of sybaritism in the Kremlin Mr. Medvedev didn't make any gift to the Russian children. He didn't increase either "patrimonial", or decree allowance, or a grant on child care allowance.

A year before last on June, 1 he had a meeting with a group of mothers having many children brought to Moscow from all over the country. What did they ask for? To raise shameful sum of child care allowance from 100 rubles (in all regions it’s approximately identical) at least till the size of a child living wage. It’s paradox, but it appears that a baby demands more expenses, than the recruit. Dmitry Anatolyevich promised.

At a similar meeting now with mothers having many children on March, 7 of last year - again requests to increase this allowance were heard. Majestic father squeezed out with a sign: we’ll increased it. He told lies again…

Every year on such sit-round gatherings women ask permission to direct so-called parental (family) capital on treatment of children right after the birth. After all only 20% of women in labor are completely healthy, while 70-80% of babies are born with every possible pathologies. Why it’s possible to direct this capital on education, on mortgage, to accumulative part of pension real gone), while it’s forbidden to direct it on treatment of not healthy baby?

Why Medvedev was deaf to parental groans? Because he was incapable to make any decisions in the presidential chair. Therefore one shouldn’t be surprised that we have the highest in the world infantile death rate.

Here you are one more scandalous discomfiture. On May, 25th of last year Dmitry Anatolevich gathered large group of orphans from all the country. To begin with he suggested them to go sightseeing in the Kremlin and then started giving them to drink tea. Then these "silly little chaps" before whom he wanted to show off started making fool of him.

Graduate Lyudmila Tokmakova from the Tambov children's home was interested:

- Upon termination of study a child leaves children's home. The legislation provides that he has the right for habitation or social payment. If it doesn't happen, the child simply has no place to live. What could be done in this situation?

If you think that Dmitry Anatolevich got angry and asked to give him concrete addresses where laws on rights of orphans leaving children's homes are broken. After all many simply find themselves thrown out on the street. Just look what he told:

- I repeatedly talked to the governors, to the heads of territories on this theme... Actually, if these duties aren't executed, it is necessary to go to achieve truth. It is necessary to go to the court, it is necessary to ask to protect your rights. There’s no other variant.

Could you imagine that? To advise defenseless boy or girl to find the lawyer and to begin legal proceedings with the state machinery?! What cynic one should be!? You, children, go to our most humane in the world court which is always under a heel of the governor. While we - the state, the president, the prime minister, ministers, the Commissioner on the rights of the child, the Constitutional court, the State Office of Public Prosecutor - will see what will come of it …

I do not exclude that today on June, 1st, 2012 misters Putin or Medvedev will again make some facade action with maternal public. They will let them drink several buckets of tea to forget about them, about their healthy and sick children for the whole year...

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