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Police Will Remain in Russia

Police Will Remain in Russia
Yury Mukhin 11.05.2012


In February, 1917 tsar Nikolay II abdicated in favor of his brother Mikhail, the one detained own mounting the throne till convocation of the Constituent Assembly. The power appeared in hands of the Provisional Government consisting of revolutionary socialists and revolutionary liberals of that time appointed themselves ministers.

Those revolutionaries had enemies in Russia, they were predecessors of present FSB and the department of counteraction to extremism, by then they were called Gendarme management and Okhranka. Though employees of those institutions wore plain cloths and for this reason citizens knew them badly. When the Provisional Government for protection of its power armed 40 thousand inhabitants of Petrograd, it called them militia and that militia started killing not gendarmes and employees of Okhranka, but those who were by the time called policemen. 14 policemen were killed already in the first day of bourgeois revolution, on February 28, 1917 in Petrograd, directly in front of the building of the State Duma where the Provisional Government was located, about three o'clock in the afternoon. All in all 1443 policemen were killed or wounded in Petrograd during change of the power, it means that practically every fourth policeman of the capital of that time were killed or wounded. Corpses of policemen were put stacks on ice of the frozen Neva.

Yes, policemen served imperial mode, but they didn’t make punishments of people. Guards regiments and Cossacks shot rebelled workers and suppressed country revolts at tsar, while policemen, as well as today, only protected law and order. But they killed policemen.

They were killed because they wore uniform and all knew that they were policemen.

Our days

Today not Guards regiments and Cossacks, but policemen kill people, in particular, not allowing to hold meetings, beating and arresting protesters. It’s a crime. And this crime is forbidden under the threat of punishment by article 149 of the Criminal Code of Russia. Read attentively this article.

“Illegal obstruction of the holding of a meeting, assembly, demonstration, procession, or picketing, or of participation in them, or compulsion to take part in them, if these acts have been committed by an official through his official position, or through the use of violence, or through the threat of its use,

shall be punishable by… deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years...”

Note, in this article of the Criminal Code there are no conditions of "legality" of peaceful assembly. Say, there’s no mentioning that the meeting should be, for example, be resolved by the Government of Moscow or that citizens are obliged to pass through the metal detector, or that there should be certain number of protesters or that citizens should gather only at the appointed time. Nothing is said because the only constitutional requirements of "illegality" to the protesters is exhaustive list of requirements of the article 31 of the Constitution of Russia – “to gather peacefully, without weapon”. That’s all, there are no other conditions of illegality in the Constitution, no law could contain such conditions as they aren’t present in the Constitution.

What of these requirements were not executed by citizens on December, 4-6, 2011 and on May, 6-7, 2012? If gathered for meeting had weapon? Or threatened with something to other citizens? Why did you, police, interfered with their meeting? Why did you beat them and detain?

You, policemen, will say that then judges charged those demonstrators according to your protocols. Firstly, you know that you meanly fabricated protocols of detentions. Secondly, you know who our judges are. Thirdly, according to the article 3 of the Constitution of Russia, the judges should be chosen by people. If you know such judges? So, when there will be elected by people judges in Russia, then they will speak with you and today’s judges a language of law, not language of present judicial meanness.

You, policemen, will say that there were among holding meeting those who really resisted you. But you, policemen, committed crimes provided by the article 149 of the Criminal Code and citizens are obliged to resist crimes. Read attentively article 39 of the Criminal Code.

“The harming of legally protected interests in a state of extreme necessity, that is, for the purpose of removing a direct danger to a person or his rights, or to the rights of other persons, to the legally-protected interests of the society or the State, shall not be deemed to be a crime if this danger could not be removed by other means and if there was no exceeding the limits of extreme necessity”.

You, policemen, will prove that resisting to you, armed bandits in police form, unarmed demonstrators, removing danger to their rights to freedom of peaceful assembly exceeded the limits of extreme necessity? Will you prove?

You, policemen, will say that you will be protected by management which sent you to commit the crime. Today – yes, it will protect. But your management is most of all afraid of those who you beat. Therefore it sends you to beat people. Recollect that your main chief slipped to the Kremlin for own inauguration as thief, as gauleiter in the occupied city walking on empty, cleaned by you from Muscovites streets of Moscow.

When on May, 6 you, policemen, trying your best to distinguish yourselves before management beat Muscovites on Bolotnaya Square, meeting in support of Putin was held on Poklonnay Gora. 50 thousand people were declared, while they managed to bring including from other cities several hundreds.

No, with such support of your management by people of Russia, it will catch up with you in the end.

When the end of a string will be visible, your management will run away to London. While policemen will remain in Russia. I sincerely hope that they will not be found on ice of the frozen Russian rivers.

During such periods the power isn't capable to supervise situation completely and your "merits" before people become more and more numerous.

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