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The General Staff Recognized the Iranian and Korean Threats

The General Staff Recognized the Iranian and Korean Threats

For the first time the Russian General Staff recognized existence of nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea. Earlier the management of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation declared that there’s no nuclear threat for Europe and Russia from the part of these countries as Iran and North Korea don't possess sufficient potential for production of the nuclear weapon and means of its delivery.

"The threat always exists, therefore we attentively follow the development of nuclear capacity of many states... Analysis which we carried out together with the Americans confirms that there’s such probability, the threat exists and we agreed that it’s necessary to create antimissile defense", - the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation general Nikolay Makarov told in the interview to the TV channel Russia Today.

According to Makarov, they in the General Staff know that "many countries which are not declaring existence of the nuclear weapon, actually have it".

"It is unconditional that if extremists would get possession of it, it’s fraught for the international security", - Makarov told.

He added that for counteraction to these threats Russia is ready to work with other countries in this direction.

- Let's solve this problem together, let's get rid of threats which can arise not only for the countries of Europe, but also for Russia as a whole as we are also a part of Europe together, - the general declared.


From editorial board: It is very difficult to understand where there’s a real assessment of threats and where – surrender of the national interests.

For many times we on Forum.msk wrote about asymmetric threats from the part of the new nuclear states?! Obvious pro-Kremlin trolling was the answer to it: say, you understand nothing, far not the fools are sitting in the General Staff...

Now it turns out that they are fools?

But the fools knowing the time of the day. Who for many years have been ignoring similar threats in general though it was possible and necessary to undertake quite clear steps following dangerous directions. Nobody did such steps. For example, police forces of fast reaction of the questionable value were created within the CIS - to fight against own people using hands of neighboring states. While no one thought about the air defense and missile defense systems. It is not interesting.

After all it is possible and necessary to increase shock power of the Pacific Fleet and the Caspian flotilla not only at the expense of rocket cruisers, but also at the account of ekranoplan of the type “Lun” ("The Caspian monster" on NATO classification), at the account of passing to service of the ships of radar intelligence, creation of Air Force bases in the Central Asia and modernization and strengthening of the existing ones.

Destruction of the Pacific Fleet proceeded instead and the Caspian flotilla almost disappeared, it’s been almost liquidated. “It isn't necessary".

How the General Staff answers "suddenly" arisen threats? It hands over everything that to it can be interesting in the fight with "new" opponent to the “old” probable opponent. Base in Ulyanovsk – is only one of the examples, meanwhile there is still a network of bases of the USA in the Central Asia, support of NATO group in Afghanistan, refusal to counteract to expansion of the American ABM in Europe - where are praised "Iskanders"? Where is Putin with "horror stories"? Putin, it turns out, renders free financial aid to military industrial complex of the countries of NATO at the expense of the Russian budget – he orders in France unnecessary to us landing helicopter carriers, in Italy – the same way unnecessary armoured personnel carriers of Iveco production, in Belgium small arms, having actually closed own production in Izhevsk...

So may be we should at once place elements of the American ABM on the territory of the Russian Federation and that’s all? To allow pass of the American ships to the Caspian Sea through the canal system Volga-Don? To transfer ranges in Kapustin Yar necessary to the NATO contingent? To put the American aircraft carrier in Vladivostok and brigade of marines of the USA on the Kurils?

Great idea, however...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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