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Nuclear Shield of Russia Went on Privatization

Nuclear Shield of Russia Went on Privatization

The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev removed nine Russian enterprises, including the developer and the manufacturer of rocket complexes "Topol" and "Bulava", from the list of strategic ones, agency "Interfax" close to the Kremlin informs. It's a question of Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology which throughout many decades developed known samples of the nuclear weapon including complexes "Topol" and new rocket of sea basing "Bulava" and of Votkinsky Factory in Udmurtia - the only one where ballistic missiles are serially produced.

It follows from the decree №526 signed by Medvedev. Now, according to the legislation, these enterprises can be translated into the category of joint-stock companies with further privatization. Here you are full list of objects:

Votkinsky Factory (Udmurtia),

Leading special design department «Projector» (Moscow),

Мoscow Institute of Thermal Technology,

Research and Production Complex «Alternative Energetics» (Elektrougli, Moscow region),

Production Association «Barricades» (Volgograd),

Federal Scientific and Production Centre «Аltai» (Bijsk, Altai Territory),

Central Design Bureau «Тitan» (Volgograd),

Izhevsky Moto Factory «Аksion-holding»,

Central Scientific and Research Institute of Special Machinery (Khotkovo, Moscow region).

It is necessary to notice that enterprises removed from the list of strategic can be privatized not only by approbation but also through bankruptcy procedure, through division of actives and simply by way of forcible takeover - there's nothing surprising in it, cases of corporate raid in relation to defensive enterprises which produce strategic products already took place earlier.

- I would connect this event with meeting of Obama and Medvedev and even refer it to the results of this meeting, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov commented on the event. - Obviously the presidents agreed on something. What else can America want from Russia but for its disarmament? It has already received the rest long time ago. We observe the process of liquidation of the Russian army under supervision of "furniture maker" Serdjukov but we understand perfectly well that it's not his initiative. For today the Russian army with its non-nuclear weapon of bad quality and outdated obviously does not represent serious threat for the USA or NATO. The only thing that makes Russia prominent player in international relations is its strategic nuclear forces. Actually, privatization process of the basic enterprises of defensive complex engaged in working out and batch production of ballistic missiles - means disarmament of Russia. One could have no matter how big army - certainly it will pose threat, say, for Georgia - but without these enterprises already Poland or Estonia can simply not pay attention to it.

"I'm preparing now review of Alexander Prokhanov's new book, - Anatoly Baranov continued. - The book is about Vladislav Surkov, Putin, Medvedev and others. It is necessary to recognize that either Prokhanov is ingenious prophet because today's message about the decree and other circumstances are in detail described in the book. Or it's necessary to agree that everything had been prepared earlier, it was discussed widely enough in interested circles and via Management of internal policy of Presidential Administration reached observant and all understanding Prokhanov. Though in reality, I believe, both things are true. Further Prokhanov writes that it's not the catastrophe, it's simply its documentary confirmation - catastrophe already happened earlier, for today Russia already doesn't have either Strategic nuclear forces or resources to restore them. Actually there is no need to be the prophet - K. Naumann - the former chief of the Main Headquarters of Bundeswehr of German Federal Republic and the chief of military committee of NATO, George Shalikashvili - the former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staffs of the USA following request of NATO Council prepared the report in which, in particular, they estimated key parameters of the condition of the Russian military forces. All arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles, it's stated in the report, should consist by 2015 from "Topol-M" but annually only seven pieces of such rockets are produced, while it is necessary to produce 40-50 pieces. In any case it is nasty, worse than ever. I think that at such rate in 2020 such state as the Russian Federation will exist only in history textbooks".

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