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Putin Headlined in a Play "Report of the Government before the Duma”

Putin Headlined in a Play "Report of the Government before the Duma”

Vladimir Putin's report before the State Duma threatened to stay unnoticed, but for Oleg Sheyin starving in Astrakhan. Standard report about successes of the government without personification and hints on the structure of the future cabinet can be heard within an hour from a tribune. Till it reached to the questions.

Report about achievements of the power was diluted by a deputy demarche and Putin's emotional rebuff. He let everybody know that if he would like, he stays for the fourth presidential term.

Pressure round visit of the prime minister to the State Duma was visible only due to the blocked approaches to the building from the very morning. Several groups of police waited for the leader of the “Left Front” Sergey Udaltsov and his not numerous supporters.

- I told about it in details on the air of radio "Freedom", the shorthand report hasn’t been laid out yet, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov informed. - Certainly, the report of the "prime minister-president" is worthy of talking about it in details, but for now only by way of telegraph. Firstly, Putin's walk from the Kremlin to the Duma, that is few hundred meters, demanded the whole regiment of militia to protect him from walking citizens who were just in case arrested and beaten. True national leaders don't treat citizens like this. Putin told that he won. Whom did he win? Interesting question. It turns out that us. People. He behaves accordingly - as with the subdued people.

"Secondly, - Anatoly Baranov continued. – All winter long we were protesting against forged elections at first in the Duma and then in the president. We - people. Now we are offered the report of one illegitimate - before other illegitimate. What is it in general - report? You are right – it’s when the subordinate reports the head or the employer on the work done and the last agrees or disagrees with the report. While if it’s possible to imagine even in a dreadful dream that this Duma disagrees with the report of this prime minister? So if it is the report if everything will be approved no matter what Putin says? It is called statement, solo performance. Unless a plot is discussed in a theater? The play is classical, the plot is known. Othello will necessarily strangle Desdemona. It is possible to discuss directing, it is possible to discuss live action. But in no way the plot - Desdemona will not escape, Othello will strangle her. So what are we discussing?"

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