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Robbers Hung on Crosses on Calvary. While in Church Crosses Hang on the Robbers

Robbers Hung on Crosses on Calvary. While in Church Crosses Hang on the Robbers
Maysuryan Alexander 10.04.2012

Next "screwup” from the part of the Moscow patriarchy is being vividly discussed in the Internet – a photo from March, 31st of this year published on the official site where patriarch Cyril has no watch on his hand but there’s its reflection in the varnished surface of a table. Earlier in the interview to Vladimir Solovjev Cyril asserted that watch Breguet (which cost reaches 30 thousand euro) was presented to him, but he doesn't use it. "Yes, I wear watch. This watch was presented to me by Dmitry Anatolevich (Medvedev – the president). It’s our Russian watch, inexpensive watch hours with the emblem - small, accurate watch", - the patriarch declared then. Later the patriarchy recognized that the watch in the photo of the head was shaded by means of Photoshop, but a person responsible for it "was punished".

Well, the church authorities answered the public somehow sickish. They should, as it’s peculiar to the spiritual establishment, shift dispute in a high mystical plane. After all it is authentically known that many representatives of evil spirit (every possible vampires, ghouls and so one) aren't reflected in mirrors. While patriarch Cyril, as representative of especially pure, light and even sacred force (only the title costs a lot - the Most Holy!) is reflected in mirror with various additions: like wings, nimbus or watch on the hand... In a word ordinary miracle.

Such explanation would sound much more solidly and more convincingly. But in general one can get surprised with the exact prediction of one of those Bolsheviks (whom mouthpiece of the patriarchy - Mr. Vsevolod Chaplin - recently urged to destroy) Lev Davidovich Trotsky who wrote in due time: "In a country where the lava of revolution has not yet cooled, privileges burn those who possess them as a stolen gold watch”.

It is pleasant to think that in our country, contrary to all long-term efforts of professional quenchers and extinguishers like the Russian Orthodox Church "the lava of revolution" of 1917 hasn’t cooled down to the end. At least, separate hot sparkles are still blazing in coming condensed darkness - otherwise why the mighty of this world continually burn after getting in touch with own watch?

After all already a lot was written about unconditional love of our Vladimir Vladimirovich to expensive watch (including his famous watch "Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar" from white gold, with cost, by press estimation, of 60 thousand dollars; it would be curious to compare this sum with the size of official presidential or premier salary). Now we can see how originally and unconventionally princes of the Russian church understand monastic vow of poverty and benevolence...

Probably, someone will say: the author is so mingy and miserable, he is finding fault with some pity watch, unless it’s the essence? No matter how much will it cost - if to divide this sum to all population of the Russian Federation, the figure will be scanty - one kopek per capita or even less.

I don’t think. The first Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible looked at such things more soberly and wrote that if you give will to the tsar - it is necessary to give it also to a kennelman; if you give ease to the grandee - it is necessary to give it to the carl. What is the watch of the head of the state, if not a symbol of the general "ease" for all official pyramid, "power vertical" from Moscow to suburbs?

Now let’s imagine, how much sweat, blood and tears is necessary to squeeze out from other, non-official part of society that thousands well-cared bossy hands were decorated with graceful foreign watch. Therefore - even one wrist watch of all present Russian "elite", all these lovely knickknacks, costs people a lot…

And its cars? Its fashionable dresses and jewelry? Country houses, yachts and helicopters?

After all these in the sum define the policy of our authorities - only this and nothing else. Exactly the same concerns church "vertical". Without saying that the watch of the head of church is not less than the highest "spiritual" blessing of all official orgy. "Respectable God for respectable sirs"...

Recently, by the way, the press reported that production of mechanical watch "Komandirsky" from the factory Vostok has been stopped in Russia - in the Soviet period almost all officers had such watch. Why it has been stopped? It is simple - then it was prestigious to wear such watch, now – it doesn’t. When it becomes not prestigious to wear domestic watch, to go by domestic cars for the ruling elite – both "spiritual" and "secular"... - it becomes somehow not prestigiously to serve own people. What is the reason, one could ask, to serve them, these beggars?

So, there’s sure sign: while hands of the top officials of the state and church are decorated with expensive foreign watch, even if sometimes it’s being retouched – one couldn’t wait for anything good for Russia and its people. Because one could be sure: historical hours for Russia continue to go in the opposite direction.



1. Godless hackers painted not only watch, but also Cadillac and five Mercedes of cortege belonging to Cyril...

2. The simplest way to win evil spirit – to send Patriarch Cyril with his library to the hellish smoker and to wait while he will adjudge all real estate from the devil.

3. Whether it is impossible to choose the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church from the believers?

4. The church is similar to Calvary. However, robbers hung on crosses there. While in church crosses hang on the robbers.

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