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Germany Disconnected FORUM.msk

Germany Disconnected FORUM.msk

Approximately from 15.49 p.m. of Moscow time FORUM.msk ceased to be available – that’s the time written on the letter from the German company which provides us technical platform, it’s stated in the letter that someone attacks for some reason some other server from ours. Therefore our server has been disconnected...

Actually we aren't on sponsorship terms with the German company - we regularly pay money, we follow all contract provisions and thought that had the right to expect at least respectful attitude - after all we are not pimply students, but the largest left portal in Russia. We represent not only our own interests, but also of thousands of our readers. Really sometimes technical problems appear, but they are usually solved somehow properly - at first the client is warned, they try to find out what’s happening... while in our situation they simply disconnected us and that’s all. As if there never was FORUM.msk in Russia. Well and the letter with the note, saying “Your server has therefore been deactivated as a precautionary measure”.

At the end, by the way, we didn't find any parasitic traffic, though we tried our best. No, hacking does exist and we are constantly "done an acid test", but it seemed to us that it is general trouble - no, it turned out, "our problems".

I had to sort things out, then to write special document with personal signature, to witness, scan and send - only then, approximately in 4 hours of disconnection our German vis-a-vis took pity and allowed the Russian opposition to receive independent information. It’s business, nothing personal...

Though we think that certain structures in Russia – like those who compelled us to emigrate in due time with our recourse from the country have certain influence in Germany. They can as well affect "business in which there’s nothing personal". Because there’s no other explanation - simply because nobody does like this in normal situation.

We will try to get in touch with embassy of Germany in Russia and to find out why their part affords such bestial relation to the Russian opposition. Yes, of course, for educated Europeans we differ just a bit from animals who understand only stick - all of us are criminal from our birth and are submen in general, comrade Hitler didn't manage to solve the problem, as a result all Europe is having a lot of troubles with us.

Yes, we understand that Putin and his mode though "not comme il faut", but relations with him (as well as with Nazarbayev's mode and others) is very favorable to the German party. While opposition in Russia, though one should sympathize it, actually interferes very much with mutually beneficial cooperation between the Russian Federation and Bundesrespublik. It would be also great, if all of us would disappear somewhere and wouldn’t be in a road of serious people making serious things.

Well, say it openly then, misters, Herren and Damen! Then we will find for our technical platform some other more free country, than Germany, less dependent on the corrupted criminal mode against which we fight.

We apologize for this peculiar German meanness before our readers.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk                



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