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Duma Passed Law about Parties for “paese dei bugiardi”

Duma Passed Law about Parties for “paese dei bugiardi”

The State Duma passed presidential bill on simplification of registration of political parties in the second reading. The bill provides decrease in the minimum number of party members from present 40 thousand to 500, cancellation of petition by registered parties for participation in elections of all levels, it also reduces number of signatures for participation in presidential election from present 2 million to 300 thousand. The law will come in force from the date of its publication approximately in the middle of April, instead of January, 1st of next year as it was supposed originally.

There is only one nuance - the Duma majority, that is the same "United Russia" categorically refused to bring a threshold of number of parties to minimum reasonable figure which would cut frank mentally ill people away. What is it - 500 party members? Well, it means that tomorrow it is possible to register even the party of fight against sun rotation. By the way, well-known in the past party "Subtropical Russia" has already declared its reanimation - if someone remembers the main motto of the party was bringing of mid-annual temperature in Russia to 20 degrees: "Russian people-prayer deserved good climate" was stated in the program statement of the party.

However, founders of "Subtropical Russia" are not so mad, on the contrary they are very sensible people - Pribylovsky, Belonuchkin... Simply there was such good joke in which there was a share of joke. If suddenly above mentioned citizens were elected in the Duma, there really would be better, than with misters gryzlovs.

After all a lot of mad will appear – no, not in the Duma, clearly, Churov won't allow, but on elections. New real parties will simply sink in crowd of inadequate citizens communicating with space, fighting against invasion of theromorphs... Here you are, actually, the true reason of the bill.

In such situation the Party of Common Sense, for example, simply has no chances. What common sense we are talking about, if theromorphs and subtropical Russia?

Certainly, I told nothing new. Except one thing – the mode which does everything in order the word "democracy" was perceived as abusive is the main extremist in the country.

In due time I compared situation in Putin's Russia to Gianni Rodari's fairy tale "Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi". Hardly someone reads Rodari now. The essence of this fairy tale is that certain pirates grasped the country and entered "language reform" there – to say everything visa versa. As a result thieves and bandits became "decent citizens" and decent citizens - on the contrary, "thieves and bandits".

Here you are example. The department of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Russia on counteraction to extremism initiated criminal case under the article "Mass riots" against former military reporter of “Novaya Gazeta” Arcady Babchenko for his message in the blog about preparing meeting “For honest elections” in Moscow after presidential election; the document of prosecutor's office appeared in LiveJournal of the brother of the of head Rosmolodezh, the member of the Public Chamber Boris Yakemenko following whose inquiry the case was initiated.

Who is such Babchenko? The soldier of three wars, the journalist - doubtless alien in present society.

Who are Yakemenko? "Bagmen from Lyuberetsy" grown up on a field of the pro-Kremlin youth movements. They personally made no deeds (as well as their pets). However now they are "society pillars", one is a member of the Public Chamber, other is even more - minister.

The power is in such a mood and is arranged so that Babchenko was always alien, while Yakimenkos – all the time somewhere near a feeding trough. Parties consisting of 500 souls is also a way to keep system: by hook or by crook; not by ban, then by mad permission. So that not Babchenko, but Yakemenko or some Putin was an example for youth. Not veteran, but swivel-chair warrior. It means following the logic of "paese dei bugiardi" where everything’s vise versa - the hero is the one who not a day was at war and alien is the one who protected the country. Never and nobody can understand where good is and where evil.

In our terrifying fairy tale about "paese dei bugiardi" masters of this unfortunate country are trying to achieve it.

Аnatoly Baranov

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