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100 Days since Shot in Zhanaozen: Struggle Continues

100 Days since Shot in Zhanaozen: Struggle Continues

The Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan appeals to all citizens of Kazakhstan, activists of the working and social movements on March, 24th to pay the tribute to the memory of oil industry workers and their relatives shot by Nazarbayev’s security forces in Zhanaozen and Shetpe on December, 16-18th of last year. On March, 24th there will be 100 days since bloody massacre and the task of all protesting groups is both to act against reprisals and to expose slogans of transformation of our country. There are already no forces to suffer arbitrariness of the authorities, banks and employers, it’s high time to call to answer for all harassments and oppressions.

All not indifferent citizens gather on March, 24th at 12 o'clock next to the monument of Abaj in Almaty where protest action will take place and where everyone can act and state his position and opinion on the events occurring in the country. In spite of the fact that on the threshold of acceptance of a resolution in the European Parliament the authorities changed sentence to the lawyer of the trade union Natalia Sokolova on conditional term and amnestied the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Vzglyad” Igor Vinjavsky judicial trial over the first group of arrested persons consisting of 43 working activists and leaders of eight-monthly strike will start on March, 27th in Aktau.

Activists of oppositional party “Alga” headed by Vladimir Kozlov who together with other known public figures are accused of creation of organized criminal group for the purpose of overthrow of the existing system also stay in imprison. Arrested legal expert Vadim Kuramshin is being treated now as the state criminal and is threatened with the term of 15 years of imprisonment on the base of forged documents. The wife of one of the arrested oil industry workers Tamara Sergazeva being accused of distribution of the leaflets calling for punishment over policemen who killed workers has been recently caught and placed in a pre-trial detention center, now she will testify against citizens of Zhanaozen in court.

Employers of corporation "Кazakhmis” in Dzhezkazgan threatens with shooting of their workers, if labour collectives of the mines, factories will organize meetings and strike. The same threats of mass dismissals and punishments can be heard in many enterprises of the mining companies with participation of the foreign and domestic capital. Besides, Nazarbayev presented all workers of Kazakhstan new amendments and changes to the Labour Code where the rights of pregnant working women are essentially lowered, employers are released of duties connected with medical insurance of workers, the rights of owners on dismissal of employees, on transfers from one work tot eh other and imposing of additional work are increased.

The authorities also helped industrialists to reduce overtime pay-offs, made trade unions as well as labor collectives absolutely deprived of civil rights and presented the workers other "gifts", in particular, they completely legalized lock-outs or mass lay-offs of workers in case of strikes. New pension reform which is being openly lobbied by Grigory Marchenko will lead to increase of retiring age for women to 63 years and for men to 68 years! The government intends to increase also working week till 60 hours having legalized 12-hour working day!

From their part banks will increase pressure upon insolvent borrowers, resorting to compulsory evictions and derogating of mortgaging habitation through courts. Increase of prices for housing and communal services and for all types of petroleum products will also make life of millions citizens of Kazakhstan intolerable. Street actions in the form of meetings, processions, pickets and organization of strikes and other forms of resistance become unique way of struggle in such situation. Thus it’s necessary to use this day of March, 24th when inhabitants of Almaty, Shymkent, Taraz, Uralsk, Aktau, Aktobe, Karaganda and other cities will gather to pay the tribute to the memory of those who died in Mangistauskaya district to declare social and political requirements!

Besides, despite cruel police dictatorship, reprisals and violence understanding that only resolute actions can change life to the best ripens among jobless youth, workers, internal migrants. No one will forgive now Nazarbayev and his henchmen blood of hundreds, not less than hundreds workers and simple inhabitants of Zhanaozen and Shetpe, as well as tortures, mockery and arrests of active workers of the strike. Therefore the slogan of the shot oil industry workers of Zhanaozen about general political strike with the requirement of resignation of the president and the government remains in force and becomes main in practical struggle of workers of the country.

As before we insist on carrying out of independent investigation of bloody execution of the workers on December, 16th – 18th in Zhanaozen and station Shetpe and on release of all arrested oil industry workers, journalists and active workers of political opposition. The main requirement of the moment remain:

Propagation of ideas of nationalization of industry, power, transport and other strategic branches under working control and management;

• Propaganda for organization of general political strike with the demand of resignation of the government and the president;

• Formation of mass independent class trade unions and Workers' party capable to struggle for power by the workers;

• Propagation of idea of convocation of the Constituent assembly from among democratically elected representatives of the workers organized in own trade unions, working committees, social movements and self-government institutions for a basic change of the political system in the country.

Consolidation of the workers and social activists on the basis of uniform political platform and own organization is now very necessary. In this situation we intend to call every one ready to struggle against oppression and capitalist slavery, to unite and join the ranks of the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan!

Oil and riches of the country – to people!

For general strike!

For new class trade unions and the Socialist Workers' Party!

For Democratic meeting of all representatives of workers and broad masses!



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