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The American Senators Demand That the Kremlin Doesn’t Sell Interests of Its Native Land!

The American Senators Demand That the Kremlin Doesn’t Sell Interests of Its Native Land!

The group of the American senators addressed the Pentagon with offer to break off the contract signed with Rosoboronexport on purchase of the Russian helicopters for Afghanistan because of proceeding supplies of arms from the Russian Federation to Syria, Associated Press reports. The republican senator from Texas John Kornin and the democrat from Illinois Richard Derbin became initiators of the address. All in all 17 American senators put their signatures under the letter.

Authors of the address showed discontent with that fact that money from the contracts signed go “organization involved in fact in crimes in Syria”, meaning existing contracts of Rosoboronexport on the supplies of arms to the government of Bashar Assad.

According to senators, the American taxpayers at whose expense helicopters are actually paid shouldn't “be put in situation when they indirectly finance massacre of the Syrian citizens”.


From editorial board: It is quite curious precedent - the American senators who are chosen by citizens are anxious about the fact that the American taxpayers pay for the contract directed, as it seems to them, against interests of the USA - well and “indirectly finance massacre”. While the Russian senators chosen by nobody will never question why "Rosoboronexport" sells helicopters to the probable opponent for solution of tasks of "massacre of the Afghan citizens". Or why there’s the air passage through the territory of the Russian Federation which is used for movement of enormous quantities of military cargoes of the USA and the Russian side has even no right to check what these cargoes are?

Well, actually, the parliamentary opposition which, as it seems, is chosen and even on some elections also keeps silent.

Why, for example, not to terminate transaction Gore-Chernomyrdin, not to return the USA their 20 billion dollars – it’s possible to use that money which was so gratuitously transferred to America by ingenious Minister of Finance Kudrin. To demand in exchange our weapon plutonium back?

Though it’s useless to wait for such bravery from our parliamentarians - after all they are guided not by voters, but by the Kremlin. They can become angry there and not include "uncontrollable" deputy in the lists of "oppositional" party any more. Our opposition is also appointed after all...

They in the Kremlin reasonably believe that Native Land is where their money is...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of Forum.msk

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